Chapter 10

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The next three months Maurico had done everything to “court me.” If he wasn’t taking me out to eat he took me to the theater. We even went bowling and skating. I’m not going to lie I enjoyed doing things like this due to the fact when I was younger I never got the opportunity to experience stuff like this in my past so it was like going through my very own bucket list. Maurico loved that agreed to spend more time with him but he still wasn’t satisfied with the way things were. He felt like I didn’t have any real feeling for him. I didn’t know how to respond to this which caused more of a problem.

“Do you want me?” he asked me one night as I lay in his arms on my bed.

“I don’t know what I want Maurico. I’ve never done this before. I’m not sure if I want to,” I tried to explain.

“Why don’t you know? And last I check you weren’t no virgin the first time we had sex so how have you never done this before?” Maurico sat up beyond mad. He has done his all and still…nothing. I remained silence shutting me eyes. “What happened so badly between your ex-boyfriend and you that has you so fucked up?” Slowly I sat up in the bed looking at Maurico. He stood next to the bed looking regretful. “Lakita I’m sorry.”

“Shut up!” I shouted. “You think I don’t know I’m fucked up? Do you think this is how I wished my life to be? Do you think I asked for my father to take my innocence and then just kick me the fuck out like some trash?!” I cried beyond pissed. “Get the fuck out!” I shouted not bothering to look back at Maurico.

I stayed inside the bathroom until I heard the bedroom door close. Once I was sure he was gone I crept out collapsing on the bed too exhausted to cover myself.

 The next morning I woke up feeling sick. Barely making it into the bathroom I threw up a few times in the toilet. After a while I started to feel well enough to get into the shower and get dress. Since I could no longer work at the club I need to find a new job. Steve was going to be happy when I call and tell him I quit but I just couldn’t run into Maurico there anymore. I rode around the city for a while stopping at different places to fill out applications. The last place I went to was the mall. I could eat then continue my job search.

As I sat at a table in the food court eating my sub from Subway I sat back watching couples and families walk by. They all seemed happy and in love. Like something you see on TV. A slight feeling of jealousy ran through me. Why did my life have to be so complicated? Losing my appetite I stood up to throw my now trash away when I spotted Bella walking straight towards me. Great. I just hope she was alone.

“I thought that was you,” she said pulling me into a hug. “What are you doing here?”

“Shopping,” I lied not wanting news of me looking for a new job to reach her brother.

“Of course,” Bella laughed. “I leave tomorrow for Italy and wanted to get the kid something.”

“Oh,” I replied not knowing what else to say.

“One day we should get up for a girls day out,” she stated getting extremely excited just thinking about it.

“Sure,” I tell her with a smile. We exchanged numbers before I’m able to make an escape to my car. Safe inside I started to head home praying Maurico wasn’t there waiting.

To my surprise he wasn’t. I let myself inside looking behind me just in case he decided to jump out behind a bush. After a change of clothes I climbed into bed feeling a little cold. Maurico large arms usually kept me warm. Shaking my head to clear my thoughts I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

I awoke hours later to banging on my door. Slipping out of bed I walked towards the front door slowly. “Who is it?” I called out cautiously. The banging continued with no reply. “Who is it?!” I yelled a little louder.

“Let me in Lakita,” Maurico voice finally came slurring from the other side of the door.

“Go home Maurico,” I called back through the door. I was answered with more banging.

“I.NEED.TO.TALK.TO.YOU!” he shouted with each knock.

Knowing I would regret this I open the door and was greeted by a very drunk Maurico. Stumbling inside I helped him to the couch. I could smell nothing but alcohol on him. “How much did you drink?” I say more to myself than to him. Maurico seem to ignore me as he kept pulling and grabbing on me. “Come on Maurico stop.” I tell him removing his hands. Getting up off the couch I went and grabbed him a blanket when I returned I place the blanket on him. He could stay on the couch tonight but in the morning I wanted him out. Grabbing me again Maurico pulled me down next to him.

“I’m so sorry baby,” he slurred.

“Go to sleep Maurico,” I reply getting up and walking away. “I love you.” It was barely above a whisper but I heard hi, Glancing at him over my shoulder I stared at a now passed out Maurico. He loved me. Maurico Marino loved me, a stripper. Could it be?

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