Chapter 24

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The alarms have been going off for over thirty minutes now and I was growing worried by the second. Slowly I sat up ignoring the slight pain I felt in my lower abdomen. Once I was seated upright I moved my legs from off the bed so that I could slowly stand but if I fell I would land back on the bed, hopefully.  Gaining all of my strength I stood up a little wobbly. My first few steps were painful but I needed to find Maurico and find out what was happening. Reaching the door I open it slowly peeking out. Doctors, nurses and security were running around franticly. As one ran passed I stopped them.

“Excuse me sir but what is going on?” I asked a man in a security outfit.         

“Ma’am everything is fine, please go back to your bed and a doctor will be right with you.” The man said before taking off down the hall.


Hearing my name from the other direction I turned and looked at a worried Steve approaching me. He looked like hell to be honest. What was going on?

“Steve, where is Maurico?” I asked as he pushed me back into the room closing the door behind him.

“Lakita something terrible has happen but I don’t want you to worry Maurico is handling everything,” Steve spoke quickly as he helped me back into bed.

“What has happen?!” I asked but this time a little louder than necessary. I needed to know. I knew something was wrong and I had an idea of what it could be.

“It’s the baby,” Steve whispered.

Tears filled my eyes as I grabbed Steve by the shirt and roughly pulled him to me. “Where is my baby?! What has happen Steve?!”

“Calm down baby. It’s ok.” Steve hushed me pulling me into a hug. “Somehow someone got into the nursery and…and well they…they took Marcelo.”

My world felt like it was crushing down. My heart felt like it was being ripped out of my chest. Who would want to take my baby? My precious baby boy who I have yet saw. My mind was racing. Who would want to hurt me this much? Who…wait a minute. Pushing Steve off me I tried desperately to get out of bed again.

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