Chapter 12

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The more time that went by the harder and harder it became to hide my pregnancy. Round the house I would wear hoodies and sweatpants when Maurico was over and soon started having less sex. He thought I was picking up weight at first but then I could tell he was becoming suspicious. The more attention he started to pay me soon led to the one question I had feared the most.

“You’re pregnant aren’t you?” he asked catching me off guard as I came out of the shower. I had already changed into some over-sized night clothes ready to get into bed. After realizing I wasn’t going to answer right away he continued, “You’ve never hid your body like this before. What is going on?” he snapped losing his patience.

“I don’t know what you are talking about,” I tell him not bothering to look into his eyes.

“You know perfectly well what I’m talking about,” he said getting out of bed. “Do you think I’m stupid? I know you haven’t had your period in the last few months. I’ve notice the prenatal pills in the cabinet, the weight you’ve gain, the amount you eat. The FUCKING BABY ROOM! Christ Ki, were you ever going to tell me about the baby?!” Maurico shouted furiously.

“Yes,” I replied in one breath. “Eventually, I was just…I don’t know ok!” I shouted back.

“Oh no, you don’t get to be mad this time Ki!”

“I’m sorry.” Sitting on the bed I laid down turning my back to him. A few minutes later I felt his side of the bed dip down followed by his arms wrapping around me. Turning in his arms I looked up at him kissing him softly. “My mother left my father and me a little after my dad started drinking. She had found a better man and I guess a you could put it and she wanted a new life with him so she left us…” For the rest of the night I told Maurico my story until I drifted off to sleep.

The next morning Maurico woke me up with breakfast in bed. He had everything from waffles to muffins to bacon to sausages to eggs to biscuits to fruits along with milk, orange juice and water. I couldn’t help but laugh watching Maurico carry the large tray in wearing my cooking apron. We both sat in bed eating while Maurico gazed down at my tummy in silence every now and then. This didn’t bother me none. I was too busy stuffing my face.

“We’ll have to plan a trip to Italy soon. I’ll have to introduce my parents to my child’s mother of course,” Maurico finally broke the silence. Mother is defiantly going to want throw a party.

“Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Wait. Italy? And who said anything about a party?” I asked snapping out of my eating frenzy.

“Family customs,” he simply stated smiling. “Marriage usual comes first, but as you can see we skipped a few steps but that all can come in due time.”

“I’m never getting married,” I said quickly.

“Of course you are,” he responded just as quick. “Bella is going to be too happy to know somebody else is finally pregnant she loves babies.”


“Lakita don’t worry we have enough time to talk about it. Have you even told Steve?”

“I was planning on telling him today.”

“Great. I have a few things I need to do along with making some calls, how about dinner tonight?”


“Come on lets go shower,” he suggested while taking my hand in his he helped me out of the bed in led me into the bathroom.

Lucky Charms was barely crowded by the time I finally pulled up. Walking in I spotted Steve at the bar counting bottles. Quickly I sneaked up on him and yelled, “Hello,” in his ear from behind the bar. Jumping Steve dropped his tablet cursing just as loud as he retrieved it from the ground.

“Sorry Stevey,” I apologized feeling guilty but I couldn’t help the smile that swept across my face.

“I bet,” he said trying to look upset. “How you been kid?”

“Pregnant,” I blurted out looking around the club slowly. I could feel Steve’s eyes burning into me. “How about you?” I asked nonchalantly.

“That bastard,” Steve said after a while. Meeting his eyes I notice he wasn’t angry but smirking. “He wasted no time.

“You’re not mad?” I say a little taken back. I knew Steve as me as his own daughter in his eyes, so I wasn’t exactly sure how he would take the news. I had at least expected some yelling, cursing hell maybe even dramatic exited.

“Are you?” he asked getting back to what he was doing. The man could defiantly multitask.

Steve finished up with all his nightly duties before leaving Jace in charge. He wanted to take me to dinner and trusted Jace the most along with his loyal bouncers. Many of these men had been with Steve since he first opened Lucky Charms. A few of the girls had even grown somewhat of a level of trust with Steve. He would never even think to leave any of them in charge though. Jace and I were the only ones and since I lived there it’s safe to say usually I was that person.

For some reason Steve was beyond happy to know that I was having a baby. He insisted that I kept him up-to-date on everything and to call him whenever I needed him. I really appreciate Steve. He was always there for me when I needed him and I knew he would be there for my child as well. When dinner was over we said our goodbyes and went our separate ways. Steve being the business man he is wanted to drive by his baby just to be sure everything was ok. I laughed at this but didn’t speak on it.

When I finally got home I was exhausted. Walking through the door I was surprisingly greeted by Maurico sitting on the couch wearing a black suit. It fit him well making him look even more attractive if that was possible. On the table in front of him were some flowers.

“Where have you been?” Maurico asked undoing his tie roughly.

Looking puzzled I replied, “With Steve. He took me out to celebrate.”

Following Maurico into the room I watch him undress well stomping from the dresser to the bathroom. Hearing the shower turn on I began to undress. I was tired and didn’t really feel like dealing with an angry Maurico so I crawled into bed wearing only my bra and panties and began to drift off to sleep.

It was in the middle of the night when I started to feel wet droplets landing on my face. Slowly I began to realize I wasn’t dreaming and started to wake up. I was met by darkness. I could feel Maurico on top of me though holding his own weight from off my tummy. Kissing me hungrily he cupped my breast squeezing it tightly. Moaning I pulled Maurico closer anticipating his next move. Feeling my panties being ripped off I jumped slightly into him surprised by his actions. Maurico on the other hand wasted no time plunging into me. Usually he took his time enjoying every inch of me but this was different. Fast. Hard strokes tore through me until he exploded falling next to me. I turned my back to him and fell back asleep.

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