Chapter 1

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Crawling through the rose petals and money that covered the stage I raised my hands over my hand just as the DJ signaled the water above me to release. The crowd went wild as I finished my set and walked off stage dripping wet completely naked. I pulled back on my robe walking through the back package to the girl’s locker room. As usually it was packed but I never paid any one any attention so I didn’t mind. Reaching my desk that was decorated with make-up and hair accessories I looked at myself in the mirror. Each girl got their own desk with a mirror and Hollywood director chair. Steve wanted all his girls to feel special. Sitting down I laid my head down on the desk trying hard to drown out the noise behind me.

            “That bitch thinks she’s the shit but she better watch it. This my mu fucking club.” I didn’t need to look behind me to know Jasmine, stage name Fire, was the one that was talking. She decided to hate me the first night I worked here. Supposedly this is her club and she doesn’t like the fact that I came and took a good bit of her customers. I choose to ignore her every time though. The only person I speak to is Steve.

            “Ladies y’all are looking good tonight.” Lifting my head up I looked into a pair of green eyes gazing at me with some unknown expression. “How’s my favorite girl?” he asked kissing me on the head.

            “I thought I was your favorite girl,” Fire snapped stomping her foot like a child. Fire stood 5’3, dark skin with fiery red hair. She was covered in tattoos with a big ass and huge breast. She thought she looked good, I thought she looked sloppy.

            “You know you have my heart,” Steve flirting instantly shooting Fire a smile. Fire quickly returned it before walking out. “That girl is crazy. Watch out for her,” Steve joked while taking a seat next to me. “I think you made enough money after that set why you don’t call it a night. I could use some help in my office.”  Every night Steve tried to convince me to end my night early. Sometimes he would go as far as putting me on the schedule less. I know he doesn’t like me stripping but this is my life. I need a job but not just any, fast money. Livings on the streets well do that to you. To depend on Steve would be like having a father and I never want another one of those. So I depend on myself and I take care of mines.

            “Not tonight Stevey. I need to make a certain amount of money tonight so I can make that deposit on my apartment,” I whisper softly not bother to look at him and see the hurt I know is now in his eyes.

            “You know I can help with that sweetie,” he pushed farther. He was met with a silent stare. “Ok guess we can chill after,’ He signed holding his hands up.

            Giving him a small smile I nodded. “I’ll even help clean up,” I teased. Every night Steve, Jace, the bartender, and me would help clean up and shut down the place. Steve always took part in this and was the last to leave since I lived in his office. He stayed only nights when I thought he was too drunk to make it home.

            “Can’t wait kid. Later.”

            Turning away from a retreating Steve I stood up and went to the costume room. Steve’s club had it all whatever his employee and guest need he could supply. Finding a silk nightie I made sure it was clean then slipped it on. Since my hair was still damp I pulled it up into a messy bun and made way to the main room.

            The place was packed as usual, so I knew I would not be making no more than less than a thousand. Putting on a fake smile I found my first victim. Private dances and VIP dancing was the icing on the cake when it came to stripping. Each private dance was fifty and for all the VIP dances there is a guarantee up front three hundred dollars per party that’s split between each dancer and bartender. Most of the dancers fought over who got to go in the VIP room so Steve had to find a way to make sure that each dancer for to go in at least once a week. It didn’t matter to me any. I love private dances. I was in just much control as I was while on stage. The men are not allowed to touch you without you making them and there is a bouncer right outside at all times, Steve also installed cameras in each room that he observed from his office. I always felt safe because I knew he kept a close eye on me.

            Some people believe Steve and I am a couple. Others think I’m just fucking him for “special treatment” but not once has Steve acting any other way to me than as a Boss and friend would. The difference between me and everyone else, Steve and I only have each other. With that and two years you could say we have formed a relationship but not a lover’s type of one.

            Ten dances later along with the six hundred I made on stage I was feeling tired and ready to call a quit. The DJ had just called “last call” at the bar meaning Lucky Charms was coming to an end.  Kissing my last victim goodbye on the cheek I walked away towards the locker room ready to call it a night when I was stopped by a solid wall or so I thought. Looking up I realize it wasn’t a wall but a tall dark man. Checking him out in his black Polo that seem to be ready to rip off of him, unless it’s just the light in here, along with some dark jeans and dark Polo boots. I smiled side stepping him when his arms stretched out to stop me.

            “Wait baby gurl, let me apologize,” a deep smooth voice spoke in my ear. When did we get so close? Pulling away from the man I smiled while nodding before leaving. Again he stopped me.

            Now becoming angry I shot him a glare and tried to move around him. Laughing the man stopped me for the third time. “I haven’t apologized yet,” he said releasing me. Staring at him confused I waited. “I’m sort for bumping into a fine, sexy lady like you and I hope you can accept my apology by joining me for a drank?”

            Thank God the room was dim because I knew my face had to be redder than the spot light I had just dance in hours ago. Shaking my head no quickly I took off towards the locker room once again. All I heard was “wait” as I made it pass the bouncer who stops the man from continuing to follow me.

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