Chapter 12

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Thank you Sakura_Lily_Flower for your suggestion for Peacock hero name.

Adrien POV

This was the second time Chloe had captured me and brought me here but at least this time I have Plagg. "Adrien, where's your ring?" He asked quietly, I looked to see that my ring was gone so I couldn't transform anyway. "Great, now what do we do?"

I heard someone moving "hide Plagg" I whispered as he dived back into my jacket pocket. I clumsily moved around trying to see what was happening on the other side of the door. I tripped on something and expected to land on my face.

"Your turn to fall for me" Ladybug joked after she had caught me "it's too late for that my lady, I already fell" I smirked. "M'lady I can't transform, I don't have my ring" Whoves and a new hero appeared "come on we have to get him out of here" Whoves said.

"You two stay here just in case anyone else shows up I'll take Adrien home" Ladybug whispered before we ran to the entrance. "I believe this belongs to you" we handed me my ring "I do beelieve you're right about that one"

I put on my ring but before I could transform Queen Bee arrived "oh, trying to take MY King are you?" She laughed. Ladybug went to say something "wait a minute, I should get to choose who I want to be with, and it's not you" I shouted up to Chloe before anything else could be said.

"That will all change in a minute" she aimed her crowned staff at me. Ladybug covered for me so I could transform "oh Adrikins!" Queen Bee called. "What part of he doesn't want to bee with you didn't you quite catch?"

"Still quite the joker aren't you" she paused "I know, if I can't have Adrien" she pointed the staff at me again "NOBODY CAN!" She shouted blasting me with something.

Ladybug POV

I saw her shoot something that hit Adrien. He fell to the floor "NO!" I yelled running over to him "what did you do?!" I shouted angrily at her. Volpina and Firefox finally found us, Chat wasn't moving and I was crying "girl where's Whoves?" Volpina asked.

"Inside" I managed to say. Volpina nodded "okay Fire go get her" Firefox ran to get Whoves and would also find our new friend Mayura.

I stopped crying once I realised he was still breathing "Volpina why isn't he waking up?" Queen Bee had gone. "No idea, but if we purify the akuma he should wake up right?" I nodded.

"If she's after Adrien, she'll head to his house next" Firefox said calmly. He was right "we can't leave Chat here" I paused "I won't leave him here" I had stopped caring if they could see how desperate I was.

"I'll stay you guys won't need me for this one" Volpina said trying to make me feel better "I'll stay as well, I would only get in the way" Mayura added. "Okay but the second anything changes, you call me" Whoves had to practically drag me away.

We were on the way to Adrien's house when it occurred to me. Whoves knows Adrien, she also gave a 'death glare' to the principal. There was only one person who scared him more than Chloe and her threats "Lanah?" She span around "it is you isn't it?"

"Do I know you?" She asked "and where did that Fox get to?" I looked and couldn't see him. "Yeah, you do, I'm... WATCH OUT!" I pushed her out of the way of the blast from Queen Bee.

"Thanks Ladybug" she paused "Firefox, you're here" she added as he landed. "WHERE IS MY DARLING ADRIKINS!?" Queen Bee yelled loudly. I could see Whoves start to panic "don't worry I know where he is, he is being looked after by a close friend" I whispered to her.

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