Chapter 34

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"So, you were going to explain everything, why I was never told about Ingrid, why you vanished for so long, what made you come back when you did, why don't you seem to want to see dad?" I practically interrogated.

"At first, I left because as you know Tony is my brother, so when he called saying he needed help I couldn't say no. I knew it would mean being away from you and Felix but I had every intention of coming home. Anyway, I had to go because Tony had been left with a little girl, Lanah, and he didn't have a clue what to do. I had already had you and Felix, so I had some helpful tips to show him" she started as she sat down.

"Naturally after a couple weeks Tony pretty much knew what he was doing, and he had Pepper around by then who helped him. So my intention was to come home to my boys but when I got home your dad told me he had a call from Ingrid. She said something about her boyfriend so I thought it had been a rough break up and went to make sure she was alright.

What I didn't know was that her boyfriend had proposed to her and on the very same day he had been attacked and killed. I couldn't just leave her like that so I was going to spend a couple months with her but then a couple months turned into a couple years and she wasn't getting any better. If anything she got worse, determined she would find a way to bring him back.

It wasn't long before she discovered about the miraculous and what the cat and ladybug ones could do, with that knowledge she also learned about the others and how they could stop her getting the two she wanted." I could start to see where this was going.

"So she basically went in a downward spiral from there?" I asked, mom nodded "exactly, I had to do what I could to stop her but by this point you and Felix must have been fifteen and I felt bad but I couldn't let Ingrid do what she wanted. I met Master Fu who I heard talking to a kwami so I told him about Ingrid. He didn't exactly tell me what I wanted to hear, that someone had already got their hands on the butterfly miraculous.

He needed help choosing who would be the next Ladybug and Chat Noir, naturally I suggested you, I might not have been there but I definitely kept an eye on you through Nathalie. Anyway once I realised it wasn't Ingrid that had got the miraculous I tried to figure out who had.

I quickly learned that it was your dad when he kidnapped me. He tried to make me love him but after everything he had done to this city, I couldn't pretend he was doing it for a righteous reason, I told him before I left that I didn't know how long I would be gone and that while I was gone he had to look after you both"

So much was starting to make sense "so that's why you didn't want to see dad" Felix said finally showing himself. "Yes, obviously I escaped and by the time I found Ingrid again I was too late she had the miraculous and I couldn't stop her, as for your dad not telling you about her, that's because he blames her for me vanishing and falling out of love with him" she finished.

"But it's alright now mom, everything is fine, we stopped her" I said trying to comfort her. "Carol?" We all turned around to see dad standing in the doorway "you're back?"

Guys only one more chapter left before this book ends 😢 I've enjoyed writing for you I'll probably write another miraculous ladybug fanfic idk and I've loved reading your comments so far they make me laugh 😂 I hope you enjoyed reading, although you you probably wouldn't have got this far if you didn't and now I'm babbling love you guys 💖

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