Chapter 33

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We fought as Pixie sent her butterflies after us, or more specifically Ladybug and Tortuga. She walked straight up to me "I'll be taking that miraculous now" she threatened "I don't think so, I won't give up that easily" I replied gritting my teeth. She laughed "well then, boy, watch as my precious butterflies end your girl"

She motioned something and all the butterflies started swarming around Ladybug. She dropped her yoyo and the butterflies lifted her up "LADYBUG!" I yelled before facing Pixie again "what about now, I could easily make them drop her or put her down gently, it really is up to you"

"Please just leave her alone" I started to take off my ring "CHAT! NO!" I heard Ladybug shout but I couldn't let her get hurt. I handed over the ring "sorry" I whispered.

I changed back to Adrien "no, Adrien, it can't be" Pixie said almost too quiet for me to hear "now let her go" I demanded. I trusted that Ladybug and Tortuga would be able to get my ring back "fine, as I promised" the butterflies let Ladybug down gently and next thing I knew Pixie was kidnapping me.

Once Pixie finally stopped running and put me down I asked the question that had been on my mind since I revealed who I was "who are you and how do you know me?" Pixie turned to face me. "I'm not surprised you don't know about me" she smiled "never mind, I'm Ingrid Stark, maybe the name rings a bell" she smirked.

I sat completely clueless. "I don't know, are you some kind of relative to my uncle Tony?" I guessed from the last name. She smiled "good guess, I'm Tony's sister"
"But then that would make you..." She cut me off mid sentence "your aunt, yes"

I could see where she had placed the miraculous she had stolen from me and my friends. That gave me an idea, "so Aunt Ingrid, is it?" She nodded "it's nice to see I have more family, how come nobody ever mentioned you?" Yes I was distracting her but I was also curious.

"That's not important, what is important is that you are out of danger, can I trust you to stay here?" She asked. That was exactly the opportunity I was waiting for "yeah, besides how am I going to learn anything about you if I leave?" She changed back into Pixie and took off.

I grabbed my ring and the other miraculous she had taken before following out the window. I managed to get to the others before Pixie and gave them their miraculous back "so the plan didn't exactly go according to plan, but I know her weakness now" I smirked.

I explained that Pixie was in fact the aunt I never knew I had and how she wouldn't hurt me or Lanah and we created a new plan. Lanah and I changed back into our civilian selves and were 'captured' by Tortuga, Volpina, Mayura and Firefox.

Pixie finally arrived and looked horrified. She had no idea that we were actually in no trouble at all "surrender your miraculous!" Tortuga shouted. I could tell that Pixie was conflicted, save her niece and nephew or keep her miraculous. After a while she surrendered "don't hurt them" she said throwing over the butterfly broach and changing back.

Ladybug quickly swung past and grabbed it on the way "who said we were going to harm them" she said 'releasing' me then Lanah. Ingrid looked furious "you, you told them!" She yelled. She was powerless and she knew it "Tortuga, take it and hide it so nobody can find it unless you tell them where it is" Ladybug handed over the miraculous and Tortuga took it away.

"Volpina, go with him just to make sure he gets back alright" Volpina followed Tortuga while we dealt with Pixie. Lanah tapped my shoulder "I really should be going, I didn't tell dad where I was going before I left" I nodded and hugged her goodbye.

"Why would you do all this?" Ladybug asked Ingrid. Before she could answer my mom ran over to me "are you alright?" She asked before spinning round to face Ingrid "and you wonder why we never told the kids about you" she shouted angrily at her. "I'll explain everything" mom said as we watch Ingrid being arrested.

So this chapter turned out to be longer than I thought it would be but I couldn't stop... I was going to have he explanation in this chapter but since it's so long it'll be in the next one 😊 hope you all enjoyed the story and I hope you will enjoy the last two chapters 💖 (if you want me to upload another today leave a comment so I know)

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