Chapter 17

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It's been a while since my last update and I'm sorry about that but here is the next chapter hope you enjoy ❤️

School ended and I walked with Mari to her house "I should probably check with my parents before I go anywhere" she said before kissing me goodbye. I smiled "they'll probably be fine with it, unlike my dad, not sure how I'm going to convince him"

I got home and was greeted with "I hear Lanah is taking you and a bunch of friends to America for a few days" I shut the front door
"father she offered to take us, could I go?" I asked hopefully.
"No Adrien, you have far to much to do here" he answered while finishing whatever he was doing.

I sighed "yes father" I went upstairs to Lanahs room "Lanah, bad news dad says I can't go with you" then an idea popped into my head "but he did tell me when your plane would be leaving" I smirked.

"Aww, I've been a terrible influence on you, I'm, so proud" she said pretending to tear up a little. I ran to Felix's room and knocked on the door "yeah come in" he said as I opened the door.

"You can keep a secret right?" I asked. "Yeah..." He said cautiously, "in that case, I'm going to need you to distract dad for a few hours tomorrow morning you cool with that?" He sat and thought about it for a while "sure, but don't give me anymore details, the less I know about what you're up to the better"

I ran to my room and packed quickly "Plagg, you coming with?" He didn't even think for a second about it "only if you bring lots of Camembert" I rolled my eyes "obviously"

Once I was packed I had to get my bag to the plane which would be getting ready to leave "Lanah" I whispered "yeah, I'm coming" she answered. We both transformed before grabbing my bag and heading to the plane "here, I'll distract them and you sneak you and your bag on the plane" I slept on the plane that night.

I woke to the smell of Camembert and instantly knew Plagg was already up "really Plagg, eating already?" I rolled my eyes. I heard cars arriving "come on Plagg we gotta hide" I couldn't risk anyone seeing me already on the plane.

I heard the others saying bye to their families and eventually someone closed the plane door. "It's a shame Adrien couldn't come with us" Alya said obviously trying to comfort Marinette. U could tell we had taken off and it was safe for me to come out of hiding. I quietly left the bathroom and walked up behind Marinette signalling the others to stay quiet.

I covered her eyes "guess who" I kissed her cheek which was slowly turning red "Adrien? But I thought your dad..."

"Said I couldn't come... You're right but I decided to come anyway" I smiled as Marinette blushed. "You have Lanah to thank for that by the way, she's a terrible influence, and Felix agreed to distract dad so that he wouldn't notice I was gone until it was too late to stop me" I smirked.

We had been flying for what felt like hours. "It's weird, like, there hasn't been an akuma attack for a while, just think it's a bit strange" Alya had a point "that's why I took now as the opportunity to take us all to America, my dad knows some people who can train us properly" Lanah paused "it'll make us better superheroes" she added.

We landed and were greeted by my uncle Tony and his new girlfriend Pepper. "Lanah, how you doing kiddo? Adrien, did you get taller? Of course you did, and who are your friends?" I noticed Pepper roll her eyes as Tony got a little over excited.

"This is my boyfriend, Nathanael" Lanah said wrapping her arm over Nathanael's shoulder "then that's Alya" she pointed to Alya "her fellow Nino" she pointed to Nino. "And this is my girlfriend Marinette" I said taking her hand and bringing her closer to me.

"Okay everyone, into the limo!" Tony said pointing at the limo behind him which was big enough to fit our entire class and more in. "She's pretty, I think you dos good there kiddo" he whispered to me before practically jumping into the limo.

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