Chapt. 4

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Class went ordinary, I talked for most of the class time, I mean might as well as I already have a detention.

"Class dismissed, hope you have a wonderful afternoon and don't forget to do your homework." dickwipe reminds everybody. Everyone piles out the door. I stay behind as I have detention, and I also heard they changed the detention room to somewhere else. I wait for dickwipe to get all his stuff so we can go together. Dickwipe gathers everything he needs and turns around and gasps.

"You're still here?" He asks in what seemed to be confusion and shock.

"I have detention remember? Also, I don't know where the detention will be held." I shrug

"Oh, well, I'll show you." he motions for me to go first. I grab my backpack, strapping it around my shoulders. I stare down to my dress as dickwipe and I walk to the detention room. He points to the door on the left, I walk to the door and wait for him to unlock it. He motions me to go first, I glare at him for no apparent reason. I think it took him by surprise, maybe it's just me being moody. I mean, I haven't eaten the whole day. I sigh and take a seat in the back row. Dickwipe decides to ignore me which kind of angers me a bit. I don't like being ignored. Jay comes running in, tripping on his untied shoe laces. His face makes impact on the cold tiled floor. I gasp in shock and horror. I bolt up and go to help my guy best friend.

"OMG Jay, y'alright mate?!" I ask, helping him up. He has a confused and goofy look on his face. Dickwipe joins my side, to help Jay up.

"Jay, are you ok? Would you like to go to the nurse?" He asks, sounding worried. Jay stares at dickwipe with a blank expression. He probably doesn't know who he is.

"I'm fine, should've tied my laces." Jay gives us a goofy look and a chuckle. I frown deeply, I can tell he is trying to be strong and not cry out in pain. I pull him in a hug, Jay's face automatically nuzzles into the crook of my neck. He lets out a quiet whimper. I bite my lip, poor Jay. I hear dickwipe walking away.

"No PDA." he calls out. Jay reluctantly let's go of me and gives me a small smile.

"I'm ok now." he whispers. His face so close to mine. I smile and nod. Jay and I walk to our seats that aren't assigned. Jay sits on the chair in front of the desk beside mines. Dickwipe glares at Jay.

"Jay, sit over in the other side of the room." he orders, still glaring at Jay. Why the hell is he glaring at Jay though? He hasn't even done anything? That really confuses me. Jay nods and gives me a quick glance before getting up. I smile softly as he walks over to the other side of the room. I can feel dickwipe's glare burn through my soul.

"Work on your homework." dickwipe orders, walking to the desk set at the corner of the room. I glare at him, angry and confused as why he glares at me and Jay. I decide to let it go and start working on my summer reading assignment. I still have to do my homework. I decide that my assignment would be based on 13 Reasons Why. I'm going to go on the more creative side and do a poster. I start writing out everything and all my ideas. I am so into my homework that I don't realize someone is taking to me. I look up from my paper to face Dickwipe.

"May I help you?" I ask with an attitude

"No. What are you working on.?" He asks, his voice quiet.

"Stuff." I answer. I look back down to my paper and continue to wok on my assignment. Dickwipe sighs and walks back to his desk. I take a glance at Jay, he is already looking at me. He blushes a deep crimson red as he notices he got caught. I giggle lightly, looking down to my hands as I feel my face heat up. I look back up to Jay and give him a goofy look, he stifled his laugh and looked back down. I let Jay do his homework, I resume to do mine. For the next hour and a half. Jay and I exchange silly looks at each other, dickwipe's buried in his magazine. Dickwipe looks up from his magazine and stand up

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