Chapt. 6

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During the entire time, Jay and I are at the pizzeria. I can never actually engage in the conversation, I keep stealing glances at dickwipe and his, I hate to admit, pretty girlfriend. Dickwipe never even notices my existence. He's laughing like his girlfriend told him the most funniest joke. He smiles like he just got told the most amazing news. I feel this weird feeling in my stomach, it was twisting and turning and I didn't even know what that meant. Good thing Jay doesn't seem to take notice of my behavior. I'm angry but for no apparent reason. Dickwipe and his girlfriend leaves 10 minutes before Jay and I decide to leave. Jay walks me home, his arm around my waist. Something he's never done. But I wanted him to do, last year.

"So..." Jay trails off, looking down at his shoes.

"Yeah?" I ask softly, lifting his chin up to face me.

"See you tomorrow?" He asks, biting his lip. He looks so sexy but innocent. I nod shyly, it's weird but I am suddenly shy. He seems so shy as well that it just stuck on to me. Jay looks down to his shoes before kissing my cheek. I smile as Jay's face heats up a bit. He smiles and jogs back to his house. I unlock the door and go inside. Justin is playing Grand Theft Auto 5. Ever since the day it was released, he hasn't stopped playing it.

"Hey Mum." I peck my Mum's cheek, she is making something on the stove. I try to erase a flashback that attempts to squeeze in. I can't let it in. Or I will begin to hate my parents.

"Hey love, how was school?" She asks, oblivious.

"Meh," I answer, "none of the girls were there so it was just me and Jay." I shrug. Mum nods.

"Well, at least you had Jay." she looks on the bright side. I never do that.

"Help me bake this cake, love." Mum motions me over.

"Can I just change first?" I ask.

"Go ahead." she nods.

I throw my backpack in the corner and run upstairs. I go inside my room and close the door. I change into some shorts and a loose shirt. I put my hair into a messy ponytail. I jog downstairs and to the kitchen.

"Why are you making a cake?" I wonder. I grab the mixing bowl and mixed the ingredients.

"It's your Dad's birthday" she smiles, my eyes grow wide. The loud gunshots and cries from the video game, Justin was playing stops. Justin storms in kitchen.

"What?!" We both ask in unison.

"I love how the both of you are so shocked and surprised." Mum chuckles.

"We-we didn't even get dad nothing." Justin panics, tugging at his hair.

"You have time, he's not coming until nine, so go ahead and get him something nice."

"Like what?" I bite my nails.

"I dunno, a tie? Suitcase for his job? That's your problem, not mine." she shrugs. Justin and I sigh.

"Fine, lets go." Justin sighs loudly again, grabbing his keys. I run upstairs and slip on some running shoes. I grab my phone and run downstairs. I go outside and get inside the car. Justin comes a minute later with his shirt on. Yeah, he wasn't wearing one back inside...

Justin drives off to the shopping centre. We are both debating on what to get Dad. I thought Dad's birthday was next year?

"I think we should get him a stripper." I suggest, Justin looks at me like crazy.

"And then what? That's basically asking for death row, except Mum will be the one killing us." Justin shakes his head.

"We should've just taken credit for the cake, Mum was baking." I sigh.

"Mum would be pissed." Justin shakes his head again. Justin parks the car, we both get out and walk inside the shopping centre. We head straight to the men's clothes and stuff. It is now 6:30 and we still haven't found dad anything yet. I am looking through some clothes, teenage girl clothes not men's. I grow tired so I look around for some clothes for me. I find a cute top and some cute jeans that I just have to have. I pay for them with Justin's credit card and walk back to the men's aisle. Justin is looking through some suits and ties.

"Hey, found something?" Justin looks impressed.

"No, this is for me" I smile innocently, handing him his credit card.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" He sighs in annoyance. I roll my eyes and smile. I decide to getting Dad some cologne and nice smelling lotions. Justin settles for a suit and two ties. We pay for the stuff and head back home. It is now 8 and we need to get home fast. Justin gets a random mailing box and stuffs the suit and ties in there. He then wraps it around newspaper and sticks the sticker of the logo of Grand Theft Auto in the middle. I find a brown paper grocery bag and place the cologne bottle and lotions in there. I use some newspaper and put it inside the paper bag so Dad couldn't tell what his present is. Mum tells us to go shower and get ready because she's making dinner. She also tells us to dress fancy but I don't dress fancy. But then again, I don't want to get murdered by my mother if I don't do what she wants. I do what is told and shower and change into something fancy but still me. It was a dark blue lace dress with sleeves that ended at my elbows. I slip on my socks and some black converse and let my hair down. It is now 8:50 and Dad would be here any minute now. I jog downstairs with my present. Mum is bringing the food to the dining table. The table is set with fine china and silverware and a few red candles in the middle. Justin comes downstairs a few minutes later. He has his hair done in a quiff type of hair do, he is wearing a black button up shirt and black jeans with converse like mine. Mum is wearing a red fitted dress with black pumps and some red lipstick. I think she over did it, but if I tell her that she'd kill me. We hear Dad's car pull over in the drive way. Dad enters the house and looks surprised.

"Surprise honey!" Mum shouts.

"Yay!" Justin cheers, non enthusiastically.

"I can see you hair turning gray again through the massive amount of hair dye, you use." I point out. Mum glares at me. Sorry for stating the facts.

"Thank you dear. Stop with your enthusiasm, Justin, it's too much," my Dad says in sarcasm. I bet he's the one I got my sarcastic attitude from. Because I definitely didn't get it from my mother.

"Thank you Josie for pointing that out. I will have to dye my hair again." Dad says. Looks are everything to my parents. After that, we go straight to the dining table and eat all the food Mum made. She made roasted chicken and vegetarian lasagna for my dad since he is vegetarian. But, I also like lasagna so I get that instead of chicken. We joke around a bit and laugh, talk about our day. I guess, in that way we are a bit like a normal family.

Once we are finished with eating, including the cake that Mum made and I helped making. Justin and I hand our presents to Dad and he opens it. He faked surprised when he sees what we get him due to the fact we've been giving him the same presents each year. He then carries on to make fun of us for using paper grocery bags and mailing boxes. Justin and I have to help clean up. Mum and Dad go to their bedroom to go rest or some shit like that. But I'm not oblivious. We know what they really went to go do. After Justin and I clean up, we go up to our bedroom and quickly do our homework and go to bed as we have school the next day. Sigh...

Another day at hell with the devil... and his name is dickwipe Sykes.


Sigh... this chapter is just about the most shittiest thing I've written. Sorry.

Anyways until next time

Josie xx

(This chapter has been edited and the name Josie Kingsley will change at the end of the completed story. Be aware.)

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