Chapt. 24

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Time ticks by; one week later

"And you have to add these two, together, right?" I ask Jay, he stares at me in the most disappointed look, ever. I huff annoyingly.

"Are you serious? I said to add those two to the other two and what is left of it, you subtract it with the number two. It's easy!" He rolls his eyes. I pout and scoff.

"Whatever. I'm expected not to do my homework, anyway." I say.

"Not if you want to get into a good university." He says with a smirk on his face. He knows me very well. Since the incident, Jay and I decided to put it aside us. He doesn't know about me and Nathan and I'm not planning on telling him either. Everything is better kept untold. Jay promised he won't pester me about how he feels about me, he just wants to be best buddies like we used to. I agreed.

"We have one year left until we have to go to UNI." I point out. I can't even believe that in one more year, I will be graduating and I won't see Nathan a lot since he's going to be teaching here still. The thought makes me sad, I'm not going to see him at all. I am planning to go to the University of Bristol, and I live in London. Bristol and London are not so far apart though, so I will be able to drop by once in a while to visit my parents and Nathan. But once in a while isn't everyday, it's not even every week. I'll be so caught up in school work, how will I make this work? How will Nathan and I's relationship be able to withstand long distance? It's going all so well for us right now, nothing can change that, or so I hope not. Justin and I haven't been as close as we used to, that upsets me. All I have is my brother, he's been with me through it all, him and Jay. I've been keeping secrets from all of my family. Mum and Dad, they've been working all week. Mum is stuck on making new designs to turn in by the end of this week, Dad is in the middle of a production that will be filmed in America. He's leaving tomorrow. Then again- why should I be guilty about this? My parents don't even ask about what I've been doing out all week when I supposedly go to my "friends" house. They don't ask about anything that's going on in my life other than the occasional, how was school?, during dinner.

"Yeah but it's better if we start planning now than next year." He's got a point. Even though I've already planned where I want to go. Although my conduct in school hasn't been the best throughout High school, that won't affect me getting into the university I want. My father's money can always change that, if they deny me.

I smile and nod, picking up my tray of food and throwing it away. I pat down my floral pink dress. Jay smiles widely at this. He's very glad I'm back to my own self again and not faking it with dark clothing. And so am I, if I'm being honest. I love being myself, I no longer hold that reputation as World Class Bitch and Most-Likely-to-End-up-in-Prison-after-Graduation. Which is nice, I'm glad that's gone. Although people don't seem to buy my new persona. Now I'm marked as fake, whatever, that doesn't bother me. I'm who I am for once and I'm happy and I won't let anyone take this away from me. My mother is happy as well, now I'm the perfect daughter she's always wanted, again. But I've left this grudge behind me. I'm starting out clean and fresh, all thanks to Nathan. He's really changed me for the better. Dad, on the other hand, isn't so happy, nor is Justin. They think there's going to be guys swarming around me, partially, it's true. Guys have been trying to get with me, but since Nathan can't do anything about that unless he wants to be suspicious, then no, he can't do anything about it. Jay is always there, to fight back and reclaim what's his, as he puts it. I'm ok with that, Jay is a really sweet guy and it doesn't bother me if he wants to call me his, but in my heart and mind I know who I really belong to.

"Yeah, you're right. I'm going to Bristol, you?" I ask, as we walk together to class. Jay passes me my homework which was handed to me yesterday and I'm only doing today. Woops? I wish I would've done it sooner though, not during lunch while I'm eating.

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