Chapt. 27

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I watch as he drives away. Not even daring to come back. I fall down to the ground, sobbing. I hear footsteps nearing me.

"Let's get you inside." she sighs, Maiken helps me up. I know I should hate her and scream at her for doing this- being the cause of Nathan and I being caught, but I don't. Instead I sob and let her take me inside. She sits me on the couch and she takes the one next to me. I cry into my hands- not caring one bit to be seen crying. If I would've still been the conceal don't feel Josie then I would've swallowed back my tears to keep my pride and dignity intact. But I'm not. I'm me. And I can't hold back anything anymore, I'm me and I'm not afraid to let it show.
Maiken places her hand on my back and rubs it soothingly. I'm too sad to even push her away- even if she has done cruel things to me.

"I'm sorry." She whispers, I can hear the regret in her voice. She should be, she ruined everything- all my happiness.

"I'm sorry I've been treating you like shit all along.," she says quietly. I stop crying and wipe my tears slowly. I look at her and see that her eyes are sincere.

"I- I was stupid. I am stupid. I realise now that everything I've done was completely, utterly pathetic of me. I- I found out Jay loved you because he told me and-," a tear runs down her face. I frown. What's going on?

"-I got upset because I love him. I love him, Josie! I love Jay so much and you don't know what it felt like when he told me!," she lets out a quiet sob. Realisation hits me. She had no idea. She was heartbroken- she is heartbroken.

"I felt like my world came crashing down-," that's how I feel right now.

"-And I didn't know what to do so I got mad. I got so mad at Jay and you. I hated you because you had Jay's heart, something I wanted to belong to me. And I thought that maybe you loved him too! I mean- you two always hung out and you had a past of being best friends and best friends of the opposite sex always end up together, you know?," she pauses, wiping her tears. I understand now. She thought I loved Jay back and she was angry at me for it. I would have Jay and she wouldn't. She was jealous.

"So I for pissed off and you for it. I wanted you to go down in flames because I was so upset and I didn't know what to do. I know I sound so selfish and I know I am! I know I'm pathetic and I regret it all. I regret doing this to you.
I started hanging out with Missy- and let me just add that I hate her too! Anyway, I started hanging out with her because she hated you already and I thought it'd be great to pair up and destroy you. It was wrong of me.," my heart clenches. It's not so easy to hear all of this at once.

"And then it begun, I started being a bitch to you and you still hung out with Jay! It was then when I saw you with Mr. Sykes that I understood everything. You don't love Jay. Your heart already belonged to someone else.," she smiles lightly. My heart crumbles. Tears brim my eyes again.

"And I had to come and ruin it. Again." She looks down and cries softly into her hands. I swallow hard and try to hold back my own tears.

"I'm so sorry!" Maiken cries loudly, she throws herself on me and hugs me tightly. Against all odds, I hug back with much force. I'll hate myself later for this but I need this closure. I needed to know why- and now that I know, I'm ready to go on with my brother's request.

"It's ok. It was bound to happen, right?" I whisper, my accent sounds extremely strong. She notices and giggles- bad situation to giggle in, though.

"I'm sorry to tell you, but yeah. It was bound to happen." She pulls away and smiles sadly. I nod, brushing away the unwanted tears.

"I really am sorry. It'll be ok, I promise that you'll find someone else who will make you so much happier! Someone your age! Who isn't your teacher!," she says enthusiastically. I glare at her. This bitch...

"Sorry. Too soon. I'm just going to go." She gets up and smiles sadly again before walking to the door. I turn to her and watch her leave.
Pain swells up in my heart again. I get up and go up to my room. Where I can cry in peace.

Next morning

I stare at the ceiling, watching the light flood into my room from the windows. It upsets me, it shouldn't be this bright on a day so sad like today. I sigh sadly and turn around to face the dark, gloomy part of my room. My eyes feel heavy from not being able to sleep all night and crying. I glance at the alarm. It's time to go to school. I decide against going to school again. Two days in a row, big deal, I doubt I'll miss much work. I stare at my posters on my walls. So bright and colorful. I curl my lip in disgust. I shake my head and look back to the ceiling- trying to push away that one though that brings tears to my eyes. I wonder if Justin is going to school today. I peel off the duvet and stand up shakily. It takes a few seconds for me to gain over all self control and balance. I walk to Justin's room quietly and try to open the door, but it's locked. I sigh sadly and walk back to my bedroom. I throw myself onto my bed and wait till tiredness takes over. And it does.

I flutter my eyes open, lazily, I get up. I walk straight to Justin's room, instinctively. I stand in front of his door. I fiddle with my fingers before gaining enough courage to push his door open. It's empty. No one is in here. I take a deep breath and walk further inside. His room is messy but there's still a path to get around. I check his bathroom and closet. He's no where in his room. I frown. I realise he must've left because his laptop isn't on his desk. He always leaves his laptop on his desk when he's home- but it's not here so he must not be home. I sigh and close the door after I leave. I hear my phone ring from my room. I jog to it and pick it up. It's unknown. I scrunch my nose is confusion. I answer it and put it to my ear.


"Josie," my breath hitches in my throat.

"Listen, we need to talk. Right now, so meet me at my house. I didn't see you at school today so I couldn't speak to you there. See you here, no excuses." He hangs up. Why does he want me to come over? To talk obviously, he said so. I take a deep breath and shut my eyes tightly.

Don't do it. Don't go. You hurt Justin and you will hurt Nathan very soon. Don't do it.

"Fuck!" I curse loudly as my legs are already taking me downstairs. I shake my head while shutting the door. I don't lock it because we never lock our door- besides, Dad will be home today. Thirty minutes later, I'm at Nathan's house. I shake my head again. I walk quickly to the back door. I open it and enter as if it was my own home. I'm not going to do this soon. I sigh. I hear Nathan call me from his bedroom. I nibble on my lip, my heart pounds against my chest. My feet take me to his room. I stand in the doorway. I shouldn't even be here. Nathan sits on his bed, he stands up quickly and walks slowly to me.

"Josie." He whispers breathlessly. My heart clenches and flutters. Tears automatically brim my eyes. My bottom lip trembles a little. He walks towards me and throws his arms around my waist. He pushes his lips onto mine. He kisses me with so much passion and desperation. I kiss back on instinct. I won't be kissing his lips for much longer. I lace my hands through his hair as tears silently make their way down my face. Everything goes blank. All my worries and sorrow. It's gone. All there is, is me and Nathan. Kissing. My heart swells up with so much joy that I missed. I pull away reluctantly. He flutters his eyes slowly, his lips in a pout- his lips so pink and swollen. I remove my eyes from his lips and now to his eyes. His eyes stare at me in an emotion I can't define- one that I've never seen on anybody. His arms are still around my waist.

"I'm not going to lose you, I don't care about anybody." He says quietly, staring deeply into my eyes. My heart begins aching. I'm not going to lose you.

"On Saturday, I want to take you somewhere. I want it to make it up to you." I raise my eyebrow.

"Oh yeah? Where?" I ask, in a amused tone. He smiles and taps his nose.

"Now that would be telling." His smile switches to a smirk. I roll my eyes and press my lips to his. I want to take advantage of this as much as I can. My heart fills with glee. Being with Nathan is the most addictive thing I've ever done, he can make me smile and brake my heart. He rubs his nose lightly on mine. His breath hitting my lips, his eyes so hypnotising.

"Let's make this last, ok?" I ask quietly. My heart racing at the speed of lighting. He licks his lips.

"What are you talking about?" I answer him with a kiss, pushing him slightly until he falls on his bed. I think he gets what I mean because he turns us both around and he's on top of me now, kissing me passionately. One, two, three, four, five... clothes come off.

Three hours later

I stare at the ceiling. I turn my head slightly and see Nathan sleeping soundly, beside me. His arms are wrapped around my waist, our legs are tangled. His eyes are fluttered closed and his lips are parted slightly, letting air in and out. I smile a little. Two hours. Wow. Record. We made love for two hours. I blush hard, just thinking about it. It was just perfect, the only thing that would've been better was if the stupid nagging voice in my head shut up. It kept repeating the same words, you're willing to throw it all away? I shake away all the negative thoughts and snuggle more into his side. He lets out a tiny snore that makes me smile wide. I smirk a little as my heart pounds, I lift the sheets up and see Nathan in all his glory. Wearing nothing but his birthday suit. I blush again. I pat down the sheets and grin widely. I can't help it. I just feel like I'm on top of the-

Ring ring!

I flinch at the loud ringing from my phone. Nathan jumps from the sound. I shoot him am apologetic smile. He yawns and kisses my lips softly. He hands me my phone. My phone was on his side of the bed so I can only imagine how it hurt his hearing. I grab it and look at the caller.


I scrunch my nose up. Dammit. What does he want?

"Hello?" I ask, a little annoyed that I got interrupted. Nathan lazily throws his arm across my chest, I squirm a little. I mean- I'm not wearing anything so it feels a little uncomfortable. He smirks and closes his eyes, placing his head on my chest. He's basically hugging my chest...

"Princess, Daddy is home. The house is all empty! Justin and you aren't even here! I came to am empty house, where are you?" I frown automatically. I can understand why Justin is not home but...

"Where's Mum?" I start to feel panicked. Nathan removes his head and arms from my chest and stares at me, furrowed brows and a little frown on his face.

"Oh, she's at Bristol to turn in her work! Didn't she let you two know?" I let out a tiny sigh of relief but confusion still lingers.

"No, maybe she told Justin. I was never told." I answer. Justin and I haven't been on great terms so I understand his wanting for space. But it does hurt me.

"That boy. Anyway, princess, where are you? Shall I pick you up? Its getting late, it's a school night. I quickly check the time. Wow, time flies by fast. My heart immediately starts to ache, sadness washes over me.

"No, Daddy. I'm at a friends," I glance at Nathan who has a look of hurt and understanding in his eyes. I sigh.

"I'll walk home." Nathan shakes his head. I'll take you home, he mouths. I automatically shake my head. Too risky!, I mouth back.

"Nonsense. My daughter? Walking? I don't think so. What if some pap sees you walking home? What will they think?" He stresses. I frown. Never in a million years will someone actually care about me and not what people think? No matter what. My mother and father will always have their eyes on the lookout for any bad publicity upon them.

"I'm picking you up. Text me the address." He hangs up. I sigh sadly. I turn to face Nathan who is already staring at me.

"I know you have to go," he sighs but quickly covering it up with a bright smile.

"But I'll see you on Saturday!, Remember?" I frown a little.

"What's on Saturday?" I ask. That's three days away.

"I have a little surprise for you. No clues. Now text your Dad and tell him my address. I won't show myself or anything so it's ok." I nod, obediently. I text my Dad quickly and tell him where. He says he's going to be here in ten minutes. I tell Nathan that and he nods.

"I don't want you to leave but I guess I'll have to let you go for now. Are you coming to school tomorrow?" He asks. I nibble on my lip.

"I don't know. I don't think I'm ready, you know?" I sigh. He nods understandingly. He passes my clothes to me. I slither them on and comb my hair down with my fingers. I can't just get in the car looking like I just had sex- because I did. I sniff myself. My clothes don't smell like sex but I do. Nathan rolls his eyes and laughs. He puts on some pants- not even bothering to put on any underwear first. Boys.

"My sister left some of her body spray when she came over, a few weeks ago. I'll bring it." He shakes his head with a little amused smile on his face. I slip on my shoes and chuckle quietly. He returns with a bright pink bottle full of body spray.

"I don't get why you just don't want to smell like me, like us." He winks. I blush hard and roll my eyes at him. I smile widely and shove him softly.

"Because you smell like a loser! Whatever, I'll treasure this scent for the rest of my life." I say- half jokingly and half seriously. If he only knew the meaning behind my words. He laughs with glee and nods. My phone rings loudly. I groan and get it.

"I'll be right there." I hang up. I don't want to waste anymore time. Nathan whines loudly and grips my waist and kisses me hard.

"Ok. I'll see you on Saturday! Don't forget!" I laugh as he keeps shouting. I walk out of his room and his house.

"Don't forget woman!"

I smile at my Dad and get inside the car. He greets me with a kiss on my cheek. I really hope he can't smell me. We talk on the way home.

"And she said I had to have an understudy for McKay! Can you believe the nerve of that woman!" I laugh, getting back inside the car. We went to Nando's for dinner. The drive back home is peaceful and quiet. I debate whether to talk to him about what I need to do. My heart pounds inside of my chest. I grip my leg tightly.

We pull into the driveway. He parks the car and gets outside. I follow. My heart races during all this time. As he unlocks the door, I curse silently. It's now or never. Do it. Do it now. Say it! Say something.

He drops the keys on the countertop.

Dammit! Say something! I open my mouth.

"Dad?," I squeak out. He hums in response and turns around. His grey hazel eyes stare into my own. I take a deep breath. Don't throw it all away. Think of everybody else. Don't be selfish. Imagine the shame Dad and Mom will have to endure. The publicity and the names I will receive. A new reputation. The shame it will be on Justin. Stop being selfish. Think of everyone else!

"We need to talk."


Oh my goodness! 21 votes on the last chapter! Woo! That's a lot of votes I've ever seen since I can remember! Woah!


Let's see if you can help me get back to twenty votes on this chapter! Forbidden is on its brink on end!

Josie xx

(This chapter has been edited and the name Josie Kingsley will change at the end of this story/series. Be aware.)

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