Chapt. 11

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Rumours spread like wildfire.

There's tons of rumours of me being a bad friend because I shouted. It's unbelievable. Maiken still won't talk to me, at lunch she sat with Missy and her other slut friends. It's not good that she's hanging out with them, but what can I do when she's ignoring me for no apparent reason? I try to think of what I could've done to make her so mad, but I got nothing.

Whispers and murmurs coming from the two girls in the corridor, I ignore them. More whispers and more murmurs. I keep my head held high, walking to detention. It's what I've been looking forward to all day long. To see him again. But before I even get the chance to see dickwipe, I see Jay coming over to talk to me. He wraps his arms around my waist, lifting me up, my feet dangling a few inches from the floor.

"Jay! Put me down!" I squeal, Jay chuckles and sets me down, my feet finally touching the floor again.

"Detention again, why am I not surprised," Jay jokes, sighing loudly. I chuckle and hit his chest in a joking manor. Jay pouts and laughs.

"I guess you can't come over huh?" Jay asks, I think about it for a second. Detention only lasts about an hour and a half, I have nothing to do after so I agree.

"Yay! Ok I'll see you after detention." he grins happily, I smile and nod.

"Alright see you later alligator." I chuckle once more and wave as I walk to detention. I stare down to the tiled floor, the pattern of blue and white, the colours of our school. I look up and realise I am very near, about two classes down from where detention is held. My heart begins racing and my hands grow slightly moist. I make a noise of disgust. Beyond disgusted by the sensation from my hands, so I wipe away the sweat on my maroon coloured jeans. I quickly comb my hair with my fingers. I lick my lips and open the door swiftly. The room is dark, I frown a little. Not this again. I'm wrong, beyond wrong. In a blink of an eye, I'm pushed against the door by someone's hands, I am ready to scream and kick, so that's what I did. A hand flew to my mouth an I started kicking. I hear a manly "ouch!", and I know exactly who it's from. I stop kicking and gasp. The lights turn on, he doubles over in pain, clutching his crotch. Oh no. I think I just ruined the chances of him ever being a father...

"Oh my God, I am so sorry!," I squeak, he groans painfully, his eyes shut tight.

"But I shouldn't, you did this to yourself by scaring me!" I say in a disproving tone, he groans again. I sigh impatiently, tapping my foot on the floor, my hands on my hips. A few moments later, he's ok, at least I hope so. He stands straight again, glaring at me. I smile falsely and roll my eyes.

"You asked for it." I shrug, his glare, more colder than ever.

"I did not." he snaps, frowning.

"Well what do you want me to do?, kiss it better?" I snort, rubbing my thumb over my nails. I see dickwipe look into space, a small smirk on his face as he seems to be imagining doing that to him. My face must be showing disgust, I know it.

"No." I immediately say. Dickwipe snaps out of his trance and looks at me.

"Fine, the least you can do is kiss me." he shrugs, closing his eyes while pouting his lips. I raise an eyebrow and cross my arms.

"I'm guessing that's a no?" He asks, I raise the other eyebrow, he sighs.

"Ok, well it seems you want the silent treatment," he shrugs, walking to his desk and sitting down on the chair behind it. Propping his feet up on the desk, slouching on the chair.

"Until I get a kiss from you." he then starts humming to the same song he was playing on the piano. I frown, well this is going the wrong way. I walk over to my seat and sit down, putting my head down on the desk. I listen to the hums of dickwipe, closing my eyes. Ten minutes went by, nothing but silence was in the room. Twenty minutes, nothing.

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