Chapt. 16

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After returning from Will's break, and having that deep conversation that made me re-think a few things. When I returned from a day with Dad, yesterday, I went straight up to my room and started planning out of how I would speak with dickwipe. It's not easy, I mean, he's my teacher and there's attraction in there. A teacher and student should not be together, no way, it's odd. This reminds me of that song by Macklemore, Same Love. Weird comparison but in a way, love is love. Whether it's with a guy and guy, girl and girl, boy and girl, black and white, teacher and student, still the same shitty vulnerability that makes people bipolar. I mean, they're happy one day and the next they're shouting profanities and when you least expect it, they're taking off their clothes. But here's the thing. I don't love him. I'm not even that completely sure that I like him. Of course there's something between us. Is it lust? Er... Is it love? Nope, not that. I sigh and frown.

I can't go back to school because I'm not expected to go there until next week. I'm not stupid to go back to the constant nagging of teachers and homework, I'm given a few days of school so I'm not going back for nothing. Well dickwipe is something but what is he? An idea pops inside on my head, creating that little imaginary lightbulb to appear hovering above my head. What if I happen to go to his home and speak to him there?

Great idea, genius, how are you going to get a hold of his adress?

Dang it, didn't think of that.

Ok, no need to stress. I can always improvise, it's one of my many qualities. Here's the plan, I gather up all my courage and get my ass out of bed and into school, tomorrow and make a big fool out of myself by declaring my undying love for my teacher.


I'll sit here and wait until I am forced to go to school because I am afraid of confrontation and I'd rather procrastinate and run away from problems than to face them.

This feeling won't go away, will it? Damn it, I thought so. I feel guilty for not doing anything, but at the same time, I don't want to face him. What if he realises how stupid he is for liking his student? I mean, not that I blame him, I'm gorgeous, my amazing qualities are just overwhelming, even to my teacher. Ok, in all seriousness now, I really need to get up for starters. Ok done. Now, I need to stop being so... me, and face dickwipe once and for all. So that's what I did...

And three hours of long, hardcore, FBI type of research later, I found his address and am now on his front porch of his home, sitting on the steps. From the outside, the house looks lovely. I'm not sure why he chose to live in a house when it's just him. I learned from my research that he lives alone, I asked neighbours, and if you wonder, I did go around the neighbourhood and asked if he lives alone and they all responded with a slam of their door or a polite yes. Unless his neighbours are complete assholes and decided to lie to me because then they better get prepared for a bombing. Ok, maybe not that brutal, maybe a shooting.

I sigh again, when is he going to get home? Seriously, I've been waiting for an hour now, if someone from school passes by and sees me here, on their teacher's porch, they're going to call the police. There should only be an hour left of school which means he should be here in an hour. I take out my phone and start surfing the web, going to all my social network sites, after finding out that One Direction released their new song, listening to it and fangirling. I texted Lizzy since she is the only one that shared my enthusiasm, I also texted Justin but he responded with 'they're still alive?!'. I'm not sure what he means by that. Aw hell no. I think Harry Styles just unfollowed me. Tha fuck is wrong with him? I didn't do anything wrong. Whatever, it's his loss.

Someone clears their throat loudly, I jump up, startled, my eyes wide and my phone on the floor. I look up and choke on my own saliva. There stands dickwipe in all his glory with a confused and shocked expression on his face. Would you look at that? An hour goes by fast when it involves One Direction.

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