Chapt. 29

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Another sleepless night. I hear the birds chirp happily from outside. The sun shines through my window. Everything is so lively and beautiful but it doesn't match what's going on with my life. If the weather matched my life it would be dark grey and thunder would clasp loudly, lighting would strike the sky, rain would pelt down upon everything and everybody. But it's not. And I'm trying to look on the bright side but there is none. All I can do is watch how this all unfolds. Today, Saturday, the day I meet up with Nathan and most importantly, the day I complete Justin's request. I can't bear to even say it.

"-Josie?" I blink and furrow my brows.

"What?" I ask, dumbfounded. What are we talking about?

"I said that I've missed you and I haven't seen you in so long!" Jay rolls his eyes. I open my mouth and close it quickly.

"Sorry Jay. Yeah, I've missed you too!" I laugh nervously. Jay frowns and eyes me up and down.

"What's wrong? You're so out of it! And I don't even mean school, cause you've been out of school for long, too!" I breath in deeply and quietly. I want to tell Jay but I can't do it, I can't do this. I gape like a fish without water.

"I-I'm fine. It's just, you know- life." I say lamely. Jay laughs a little.

"Yeah, life is hard, isn't it?" Jay says jokingly with a smile. I nod uneasily. You have no idea.

"Ergh! Ok but come over soon, ok?" I stare at Jay in sadness, but nevertheless, I nod.

"I'll miss you." I mumble. Tonight is the night I'm going to end it. End my life. I don't think I'll ever see him again after I'm done or anyone. I gulp and push away my tears.

"Already missing you seashell!" Jay squeezes me tightly. Seashell. I remember that nickname he gave me at the first day of school. Every year, he gave me a new one. I never got to actually ask him why are the reasons to his nicknames. I decide now is a good time. I clear my throat and look up to him. He looks down at me and smiles though I heard his breath hitch in his throat from our close proximity. His eyes go down to my lips.

"Jay?" I ask, he responds with a quiet, hmm?

"Why is my nickname seashell?" He looks a bit confused. He stops staring at my lips and looks back at my eyes. He squints slightly and removes his arms from my torso and scratches his neck.

"Well. I don't really know. I guess I decided your nickname should be seashell because well, you're delicate. Seashells are very delicate. You're also secretive and interesting, I mean, seashells are pretty interesting! Who would've known that a seashell can portray the sounds of the ocean?," he laughs slightly, bringing a small smile to my face.

"You're also very beautiful. Seashells are beautiful too, not as much as you but yeah. They come in different shapes and sizes. They're colourful and pretty. They're a major part of the ocean. Just like you are to my life." He blushes at the end. Tears well up in my eyes. I throw my arms around his neck and hug him tightly. He stumbles a little but laughs and hugs bag.

"So, why did you call me curly fry?" I laugh, through my tears. I wipe them off.

"Well because your hair is a curly mess!" He chuckles quietly.

"Does that mean my hair tastes good?" I hear the amusement in his voice.

"I'm never tasting your hair!" I scrunch my nose.

"You will one day." sadness sweeps over me again.

"Yeah. One day." I mumble.

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