Chapt. 23

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I open my eyes and instantly shut them again as a bright light blinds me. I always sleep with the curtains closed, how are they open? I slowly flutter open my eyes again and see that the pillow I lay in is not so soft and fluffy. I start to remember everything from last night. Everything flows in and out of my mind. I blush slightly and look up slowly. He sleeps soundly while my head lays on his chest, his heart palpates in an enchanting rhythm. I notice many things, things I already should've known before last night. Guilt flushes over me. I realize I don't know a lot about Nathan. I know his name, Nathan Sykes. I know his age, twenty-two. I know he has a sister named Jess. I know where he lives. But that's just about it. I don't know who his parents' names are because he's never mentioned them. He's never told me any of his dreams, then again - nor have I. I don't know a lot about his childhood and where he grew up from. I've never even met his parents which makes me question our relationship. Is it all golden as I think it is? Yet, I still slept with him. What if he leaves me?

A flashback from last night takes over my thoughts.

"I promise I'll never leave you." he whispers, his warm breath tickles my face as he slowly moves in and out. I stare into his eyes and see nothing but sincerity. No doubt my eyes say another. Uncertainty.

"Never?" I ask, almost inaudible.

"Never. I'll never leave you. Not for anything or anyone else. You mean so much to me, I don't think I can lose you. I'll never leave you alone, I promise. Not unless you want me to." I smile at his words. I believe him. I trust him. I love him.

All the regret I felt, vanishes. All that is left is my heart beating fast for him, although, my heart belongs to him. I sigh silently and look back down to the beige colored sheets, covering our naked bodies. I blush again, the thought of what lays underneath makes me feel embarrassed. I quickly look under the sheets, my eyes widen slightly and I quickly look back up and pat down the sheets. No doubt my face is beet red. I hear a low groan coming from Nathan. I take a glance at him and see that his eyes are still closed and his mouth slightly agape. I bite my lip nervously. I need to leave before he wakes up. I don't want to have disgusting morning breath when he awakes, neither do I want to have the after smell of last night. It's not a pleasant smell. I quietly remove the sheets that cover my body and quickly am confronted with the cold air. I shiver and look around for my clothing. I spot my undergarments on the other side of the room, on the right side which is also the side where Nathan sleeps. I curse silently and bend down and start crawling to the other side. I try to ignore the pain caused from last night. He wasn't rough but since it was my first time, it does hurt. I grab my clothes and quickly change on the floor. I groan loudly when I try to walk. My head snaps to the rustle of the sheets. My eyes almost bulge out, I stare at Nathan as his eyes flutter open. I squeak silently and try to sprint to the door but instead fall to the floor. In attempt, I make a major thump. I hear him throw the sheets off him and run to my side. I'm on my stomach, I groan quietly now. I see Nathan bend down from the corner of my eye.

"Are you ok? What are you doing up? How did you even manage to put your clothes on? Where are you going?" He throws a bundle of questions. I groan and mumble the answers, still looking down. I don't want him to catch a whiff of my morning breath.

"Fine. Trying to leave. I slowly put them on. Home." I respond.

"Wait. You want to go home?" He asks, "why?" I hear the hurt in his voice. I curse mentally. Dammit, I shouldn't have said that or at least - thought about it before saying anything.

"I have to get ready to go to school. I need to go home to get my clothes." I answer. I couldn't just tell him my breath stinks? Course not. I hear him let out a quiet oh.

"I forgot today is a school day. It probably isn't best if you go today." I frown, still on the floor.

"Why?" I ask.

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