Testimony of Thy Gospel

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Bare with me...

I know with all my heart and soul that He loves each and every one of us...
No matter what you have done in your lifetime ,
He is there to pick you up when you're down,
To love you when No one is there to love you,
To be a friend when you're lonely,
To bring guidance when lost,
And to give what is needed,

There's no such thing as coincidence,
We are on this earth for some reason.
We all have a purpose for being born when we were,
We mean something to someone,
We love the people we love for some reason.
Maybe we are there missing piece,
Maybe we're their rock,
Maybe we're an example,
We are all here for a reason that we may not no ourselves.

Life may not be what we want,
But it's to make us stronger.
I know!
My life is definitely not what I would want,
But I realize that I'm a better, stronger person because this body I'm in.
You may say that you hate your life,
But just remember that you're here for a reason.

I know my Father lives.
I know that He loves me.
I know that He has a plan for us.
I know that He has prophets and apostles here on the earth today.

I love this gospel,
I love everyone in my life,

I wouldn't have it any other way!

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