I'm Sorry

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I'm sorry we didn't work out,
I really hoped we would.
I have no regrets from being with you,
I really was the happiest I've ever been ,
In the 6 months we were together.

As an aftermath of it,
I feel the worst I've ever felt.
I've fallen into a black hole,
That I can't dig out of.

Knowing that we'll never be,
Is like a hole in my heart.
I still think about you all the time,
All the best moments and memories.

It's amazing to me,
How every little thing reminds me of you.
I smile when I think of things,
But my heart breaks more thinking I'll never see you again.

My heart will never be the same without you,
My life is so much better knowing you.
You are such a strong and driven man,
Which is why you truly are an example to me. 

I still love you so much.
I still truly care about you.
I have zero regrets being with someone so wonderful as you.

I know you are going to accomplish everything you want to.
I know you are going to be beautiful man for a very lucky woman.
I know you are going to be a hero to all the you encounter.

I really want you to know how much you mean to me still,
You are amazing, Josh.
I really hope we can still keep in touch through out our lives...

I'm really sorry we didn't work out,
And honestly I will always love you. 

Lyrics of the SoulTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang