There's never enough time,
I can spend with you.
I just want to be with you,
Every second of everyday.As soon as I touch you I forget everything,
I just feel secure, safe, loved, and the happiest I've ever been.
I never thought I'd find someone like you,
And I can't let you go.You push me in ways no one has before,
You're not afraid of offending me or anything.
You motivate me to be the woman burning inside my skin,
I honestly can't imagine my life without you.You are my best friend,
The only thing I need to be happy in this world,
My true love,
My everything.I might loose everything in the process,
But as long as I have you I'll be ok.
You are everything I've dreamt of,
And more than I imagined could be mine.Every single time I hear your voice I smile,
Every time I see you my heart beats faster.
When I'm with you I completely forget I'm in a wheelchair.
When we part with a kiss it kills me.I know we will fight all forces to be together,
And we'll always win because real love wins all battles.
We truly have something special,
Love is a fight worth fighting.I love you more then I've loved anything in this world,
I will never say goodbye to you.