Since That Day

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Since that day we said goodbye,
Nothing has gone right in my life.
My life is upside down,
And I don't feel myself.

As much as I know it was the right move,
I can't help but wish it hadn't happened.
I just miss how happy I was,
I just want to hear that you miss me too, I doubt you do.

I'm using all my strength not to text you right now.
I'm writing about you instead.
I'm so glad I have my bffs voice in my head,
Telling me to be strong and if you really want me you'll come back...

Ha, like that's gonna happen...

You still affect me so tricking much!
I can't have one day that you don't cross my mind,
I swear I see you everywhere.
Every little thing reminds me of you.

I just a new guy to tell me
I like you.

Lyrics of the SoulTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang