This Is Love.

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Every time I'm with you,
I feel safe and sound.
Every time see you,
My body relaxes.

I've said this so many times about you,
You really are everything I've ever wanted.
I didn't know even a one of you existed in the world,
You are exactly what I need for a life partner.

We might argue and have stupid fights,
But we always come back to each other.
To me,
That's what a relationship is all about

Whenever I do something weird or embarrassing,
You don't even flinch.
I will always wonder,
What I did to deserve you.

Thank you for not judging me,
Being my security blanket,
My best friend,
Calming me down when I'm frustrated or anxious.
Loving my imperfections,
Loving me unconditionally.

Babe words can't describe what you mean to me,
You're all I need to survive this world.

I love you.

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