Push Away

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When we see something good,
We want to pause and hope for the best.
When she sees something good,
Her automatic impulse is to push it away.

It's not because she's afraid of the experience,
It's if she make slightest wrong move that it'll just run away.
She tries everything she can to control herself,
But something always happens that she can't control.

She's so afraid of that uncontrollable thing,
That she'll pull away so that she won't have to see them run.
She wants so badly to stay close,
But there's always that voice that makes her doubt everything.

She only trusts handful of people,
To say the truth and pick her up when she's down.
But she doesn't know what's next,
She's confused where to go now.

She's pushing away her old self.
Because she wants something else.
There are a few things that she wants to stay with her
But she feels them slipping away.

She hates that she pushes all that's good,
But she just doesn't trust it....

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