What is it about me?

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I don't know why you have to do it
I mean, I literally do everything for you.
And I don't do it because I have to
I do it because I want to.

I fold the laundry
Do diaries when you tired
Get your drink so don't have to get up
Pay for the meals
Fix your food
Rub your back when you're in pain
Take care of you when you're bleeding
Do al the tasks you strongly detest
Give you pleasure knowing well that I won't be receiving it
I do all these things not because I feel like I have to
I struck do it because I love you. 

So I have to ask
What is it about me that isn't enough for you?
You really don't think I know you talk to them 
If you really weren't doing anything wrong you wouldn't put it down before I get too close.

I know why you probably do it,
I just need to know what it is that I'm not doing right.
I know in my gut you won't actually do it
But I know you're tempted

That's honestly the worst part
The fact that you're tempted.
I can feel my anxiety coming back
It's why I'm more emotional than normal.

I'm more than happy to work it out with you
Because I really think this can be fixed.
I just wish we could get this over with
But I know you'll get defensive.

I know that I I know
That you love me.
I have no doubts
But why them?

P. S.
if you know who I am please respect that I don't want to talk about this.

Thanks love you guys. :)

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