Another Way

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Yes, I am in love with him and will marry him some day
But you can't tell me you don't still have feelings for me too.
I want to kick myself repeatedly for feeling this way you,
I think I wouldn't feel like this if we actually met when we were both single.

Why do you still text me in the middle of the night?
There's undeniable physical tension between us,
But I don't know if we'd be good in an full on relationship. 
How do you feel?

I really want to show this to you,
But it's unfair to both our partners if I did say something.
I really really love him,
I can't imagine life without him.

I feel like we have we have unfinished business,
It's too late to get to the bottom of it now.
It's just perfect that the song "Back to You" came out.
It kinda perfectly describes my feelings towards you.

I really need to get you out of my head once and for all,
Something tells me we wouldn't be good in the long run. 
You wouldn't understand some parts of my life that he just gets,
He's just all I could ask for.

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