Too Many Tears Shed

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Everyday it's becoming apparent that you're the one for me,
But I really want to want you.
You have no idea,
You are the best boyfriend ever.

But we are too different,
In two different places,
At two different points in life.
I was doing it for all the wrong reasons.

I did it because I was craving something,
Someone to tell me I was beautiful,
A cute text every morning that would make my day,
Someone to say i love you to each other,
Someone to care about,
I was doing it for selfish reasons.

I will never forgive myself for hurting you,
That's exactly why I didn't want to go through with it,
You are incredibly important to me!

You are my first love to love me back,
The only thing I want to do is see you,
Hug you,
Hold your head,
Look into your eyes.
But I know if I do I'll surly fall apart into a million pieces,

I wail always love you,
You will forever have a very special place in my heart.
I want more than anything to be great friends.

But I have a feeling it would be too hard for you,
And honey I understand that.
I'm going to be crying more than you know when I hurt you,
I don't deserve you,
More than anything you don't deserve me.

You truly have a lot going for you,
And a very special girl is going to see that im you.
Just like I do!

Babe you know I love you so much!
I feel like the absolute worst person on the planet to do this to an absolute sweetheart like you.

I've literally cried the entire time writing this.

I will always love you.

Lyrics of the SoulDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora