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Dan and Phil's P.O.V

Okay the people who are reading this are probably 14 year old girls looking for a romantic sappy story about their favorite YouTube stars.

Yes, because that is what out fan base is made up of, hormonal 14 year olds.

Stop Phil I'm trying to narrate. Any way, there is that in this story don't get me wrong. But there is more to it. And it's not just a weird story about how a lonely girl falls in love with me

Hey! Lillian likes me too! Your not the only ladies man!

Stop interrupting me! As I was saying, they fall in love with us at like a dance or at a cheeseburger contest or something weird like that. This was a complete mistake. This so called mistake involved girls, a game, and Louis hopes up on 3 mocha expresso shots.

Why did we buy her that?

I have no clue.
So Please if you have any mercy for your dignity, don't play this game ever.

Enjoy watching us fail at out lives!

I just realized how wrong that sounds.

Wait For the Clouds (  A Dan and Phil Story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu