Chapter 1

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" Come on Louise, you be serious!" I whined. (Yes I know I whined. I'm a big whineybaby.)
" That's how the game works! If I win Oreo, you have to ask and get the number of anyone I choose! Now let me pick." Said Louise.
" Dan be true to your word. It's not gonna be that bad!" Phil tried to reassure me. She was not gonna let this go. She sipped her 3rd mocha expresso I bought her (big mistake) as she looked around the street side tables of the Starbucks we had sat at. Someone catches her eye. She see two girls siting and reading in the shade of a umbrella. They sipped their coffees and read what looked to be comics. The first girl had a Marvel print dress on with a Captain America jean jacket. Her hair was pulled up in a messy blonde bun and she had thickish black glasses and she had blue converse.  The second girl really caught her eye. She had black ripped skinny jeans and a black leather jacket. She had a beanie and a FOB t-shirt. Her chocolate brown bangs hung over her sunglasses as she strummed a cherry red electric guitar that sat in her lap.Her face pulled into a evil grin. 
" See that girls over there," she said pointing over to the other table.
" I want you to ask one of them for their number," she said. I was about to leave for the table but she stopped me.
" And, you have to use a cheesy pick up line first before asking." She laughed. Phil almost fell off his chair and I sighed. I got up and and rolled my eyes smirking. I slowly walked over to the table. Half way there, and I didn't realize who I was gonna ask. I look back to my table to see Phil and Louise giving me a thumbs up before bursting into laughter again. I looked to the table, the two girls having a light conversation and enjoying their time. I chose the brown haired girl with the guitar. She seemed cool. I took a breath and walked over.
" Hi..." I said with a extreme voice crack. I sounded like I was 12 again. Jesus kill man now.
The blonde one looked up from her comic and smiled at me.
" Um...Hi! How can I help you?" She asked. The brunette the glanced at me then full on blushed really hard.
" Hey... Ellie, isn't this the guy you watch on YouTube?! Danisnotonfire?" The blonde asked the brunette. Her and my face were bright red as we looked at each other.
" Yeah, this is the guy. Nice to meet you." She turned and said. She looked like she was holding a scream in her throat.
" Always nice to meet the danisaurs." I said and laughed awkwardly. I knew what I had to do now.
" Hey girl," What was I doing.
" Feel my sweater," God this is the one Phil told me.
She awkwardly petted my jumper.
" Guess what it's made of?" Why is this happening.
She smirked and asked what.
"Boyfriend material." And there goes ever little shred of my dignity I had left.
There was a awkward silence when u closed my eyes with embarrassment as the blonde laughed. I turned around to see a laughing Louise and  Phil shaking his head slowly. Out of pity he walked over to my side.
" Sorry about my friend. He's a little weird,  you know hormones and all."  He said trying to lighten the mood. I glared at him.
" Phil, I'm not 13 anymore." I said chuckling.
" Hey you're AmazingPhil!I know you I watch you all the time!" Said the blonde to Phil. He paused and blushed.
" Hi! I'm Lillian! This Ellie." Said Lillian taking Phil's hand and shaking it. Me and Ellie just stared at each other, at least I think she was. I couldn't tell through the sunglasses. Lillian and Phil had a conversation on something unknown.
" Can I ask you something?" She said suddenly.
" Sure."
" We're you Oreoed by Louise?" She says laughing a little.
" Yeah, I Have to get your number or I have to buy her 3 more coffees and she doesn't need anymore." I said.
She laughed and pulled out a peice of paper. Handed it to me with a few digits in it.
" Here let me spare you the coffee buying." She laughed swinging her cherry red guitar over her shoulder. Her and her friend said goodbye and left their table as we both exchanged numbers.
We both stood there in silence.
" Did we just get girls numbers?" Asked Phil looking happy and confused.
" Yep. Everyone was wrong...WE AREN'T GAY WORLD!" I screamed to the sky and me and Phil laughed back to our table. Today was interesting.
I learned two things:
1. Girls go for bad pick up lines
2. Coffee+ Louise= something dangerous.

Wait For the Clouds (  A Dan and Phil Story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu