Chapter 10

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Ellie P.O.V

After a week of winter break Everyone went home. It was nice seeing them but it was harder when they left.
When Christmas came I went to Dan's when Lily left for home. It was nice, his family was awkward but wonderful. Just like him. But something began to bother me.

Lillian hadn't been on campus or in our apartment for 2 weeks after winter break.

I tried calling her but that didn't work, she wasn't answering.
" Pick up...pick up..." I say pacing my room.
" You've reached Lillian..."
" NO! F**K THIS!" I say and I take a pillow and start whacking on the wall when Dan and Phil walk in and see my rage fest.
" Hey! Hey! Hey! " Said Dan taking the pillow from me.
" What is going on?!" Said Phil.
" I don't know where Lillian is and I'm freaking out! She's not answering her phone or anything and I-" I said before my phone. I looked to see who it is, and it was Lillian's mom.
I answered.
" Hello?"
" Hello Ellie. I hope you're doing well and I know this is sudden but, are you with Dan and Phil?" She asked. She sounded sad.
" Yes. I'll put you speaker." I said then we all sat around my phone on the couch a little confused.
" Alright good because I have some news. Over Christmas break Lillian passed out on the stairs. We didn't know why so we took her the hospital..." she said. She was started to choke up.
" We had her blood tested and had her checked out. When we got the results..."
There  was a small but painful silence.
" The results said she has stage 2 leukemia."
The words fell like bowling balls in our ears. My eyes had tears flowing out of them. But Phil looked worse. His eyes widen and he turned pale. He wasn't happy fun Phil, He was a ghost.
" I'm so sorry we didn't tell you sooner. She staying at the London hospital on North Ave. and Stanford if you wanna visit her. Sorry again." And she hung up. I started to cry. Not cry Bawl. Ugly bawling.
Why? Of the people in the world why Lillian? The bright happy girl I knew with a terrible sickness.
Phil had tears in his eyes but got up and started put on his coat.
" Phil...I know you're upset but-" Started Dan as he rubbed my back. Even he was a little choked up.
" But nothing! I'm going see her now and you can't stop me!" He yelled and he slammed the door. We were shocked. We have never seem Phil mad ever before in his life.
" We should go after him." I said sniffing. Dan wiped the years off my face.
" It's gonna be ok." He whisper and he rocked me back and forth.
" Let's go."

Wait For the Clouds (  A Dan and Phil Story)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu