Chapter 3

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Alex's POV

As I walk up to the front doors of the school I notice a brunette girl and a blonde guy looking in my direction. That's uhm awkward. The guy's kinda cute though with his floppy blonde hair and that smile is amazing. They look away and start talking amongst themselves and I see the girl give the guy a little push. They kinda look like they're a couple from the way they are smiling and laughing at one another.

Once I get inside the building I look down at my schedule and see that I have homeroom first. I find the room fairly quickly and sit down in the last row against the wall. Hopefully if I'm back here not many people will look at me or talk to me. More and more people start flooding into the classroom filling up the seats. I notice the same girl from outside the front of the school is coming in. We make eye contact and she smiles at me giving me butterflies. What in the hell?! Why did I just get butterflies? Oh shit she's coming over here.

"Hey I'm Mitchie," she says still smiling. Wow she has a gorgeous smile. Wait what?

"Alex." Wow that's all you can say Russo? Get it together.

"Do you mind if I sit next to you?"

"That's fine," I say giving her a weak smile.

"So are you new here? I don't think I've seen you around?" Why does she have to start a conversation with me? I just want to be left alone and get through this year.

"Yeah, I moved here about a week ago from New York."

"Wow! New York looks like it would be an amazing place, but I've never been there myself."

"Yeah it's pretty cool." Maybe I should give this a shot and take Harper's advice for once.

"Can I take a look at your schedule?"

"Go for it," I say as I hand it to her. Our fingers brush one another and the butterflies return. What in the hell is going on? Get with it Russo, damn.

"We have math and lunch together!," Mitchie exclaims with that gorgeous smile on her face. What am I thinking?!

"Oh that's cool," I say just as the bell rings for everyone to go to 1st period.

"Well I guess I'll see you around."

"Yep," I say as I rush out of our homeroom and to my next class. What in the actual fuck was that Russo?! Her gorgeous smile? Really? Butterflies? What is with me today?

Mitchie's POV

Alex jumped up as soon as the bell rang and basically ran out of the room. Well that was um..unexpected. She's cute though and we have lunch and math together so at least I'll see her later on. I throw my backpack over my shoulder and start walking down the hall to class. As soon as I get to my 1st period I see Asher sitting in the back waving signaling me to come sit next to him. I weave in and out all the desks and reach the one beside him.

"Her name is Alex," I say quickly.

"Are you talking about Miss Hottie from outside?"

"Yes you idiot! She is so flipping cute oh my god."

"Well someone's excited," he says with a wink.

"Oh shut up, she practically ran a marathon out of the room when the bell rang."

"Wow you must have scared her. What'd you do pick your nose or something?"

"No you freaking idiot! I just had a simple conversation with her and found out we also have math and lunch together."

"And she just ran away for no apparent reason?"

"Yes! I don't know what happened."



"You like her don't you."

"Well I don't know her, but I kinda like her I guess."

Asher smiles and faces the front of the room as the teacher starts going over the classroom rules.

Lunch time finally roles around and I enter the cafeteria and sit at my usual table with my friends.

"Hey buddy!," yells Asher as he slaps me on the back.

"What up?"

"Let's get some food! I am starving!" I swear this boy is always eating.

"Okay okay let's go." We walk to the back of the lunch line and talk about our day so far. I see Alex come into the cafeteria and sit by herself at a table in the corner. Maybe I should see if she wants to sit with me. She probably wouldn't considering what happened in homeroom this morning so I just get some food and head back to the table. We all talk about how our day has been going and finish up right before the bell rings.

"See ya after school?," asks Asher.

"Yep! Just wait by my truck."

"Alright see ya later!"


I walk to my 6th period class and basically sleep through the entire thing. I swear English is the worst class ever made. At least there's only one class left and that's math. With Alex. I smile to myself and start towards the last class of the day. When I reach the doorway I see the teacher holding a seating chart. Great, assigned seats. I see Alex sitting in the second row staring down at her hands.

"Mitchie Torres, you're behind Ryan Anderson," said Mr. Sanders without even looking up from his clipboard.

Well this is lovely, I didn't even realize he was sitting next to Alex. I sit down and look towards Alex, she's so adorable. I watch as she unzips her backpack and pulls out a notebook and a pen. She drops the pen on the ground and it rolls back towards me.

"I got it," I say as I lean down and pick it up.

"Thanks," she says quietly as I hand it to her. We make eye contact for a split second and I could've sworn I saw a real smile form on her lips in that second. She turns back around in her chair and faces the board as Mr. Sullivan starts explaining the lesson. Finally the bell rings signaling the end of the day. Everyone packs up their things and walks out the door into the hallway. I turn towards Alex's desk as I grab my backpack and see that she's already gone. I walk out into the hall and stop at my locker to grab some things, then I head out to the parking lot. I see Asher already at my truck sitting on the tailgate.

"Hey Blondie."

"Hey Mitch."

"So do you need a ride home?"

"Yeah, my car is still in the shop."

As we climb into our seats Asher says," Hey isn't that Miss Hottie?"

I look out the passenger window and sure enough there's Alex getting into a blue mustang. "Her name is Alex."

"I prefer Miss Hottie, it suits her well," he says smiling at me. "She's got a nice car that's for sure."

"She sure does, what year is that 2011?"


I start my truck and pull out onto the road. We reach Asher's house in about ten minutes.

"Thanks for the ride Mitch!"


He closes the door and I drive away towards my house. As I turn onto my street I realize the new neighbors have the same exact blue mustang in their driveway that Alex was driving.

"No freaking way," I say to myself as I pull into my driveway.


Please tell me what you think! I really want to hear people's opinions on this story. Thanks! :)

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