Chapter 9

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Alex's POV

There's just five more minutes left of school and the clock can't move fast enough. Today is the day of Mitchie and I's date. I'm super nervous but excited at the same time. If you would have told me two weeks ago that I would move to Dallas and become very close friends with a beautiful girl whom I would also go on a date with I'd probably laugh in your face. I look back at Mitchie and catch her looking at me. I shoot her a smile that causes her to smile too. Finally the bell rings and we are dismissed.

"Ready for tonight?," Mitchie asks as we walk out of the classroom together.

"Yeah, I'm kinda nervous though," I admit.

"Awh don't be," she says as she takes my hand in hers.

We reach her truck and she drives us home.

"So how about we go to dinner at 6:00 then catch a movie around 7:00?"

"That sounds good," I tell her as we get out of her truck.

We both walk around to the front of the truck and she pulls me into a hug. She pulls back a bit then pecks me on the lips gently. I smile at her and bite my bottom lip.

She giggles while saying, "See you later."


As soon as I close my front door behind me I run upstairs to my room to get ready for tonight. I decide to take a quick shower and redo my hair. When I step back out of my shower I wrap a towel around my body and walk into my room and over to my closet. I decide on wearing a simple skirt and shirt. I go back into the bathroom to dry and straighten my hair. I do my make up and look at my phone to check the time. It's almost five o'clock. Great, I still have another hour.

Mitchie's POV

I take a quick shower and throw on my black pants, a t-shirt, and my combats. I dry my hair and look in the mirror. Damn my bangs need cut. They're starting to hang in my eyes. I go back out of my bathroom and sit on the bottom of my bed. I glance out the window and see Alex doing the same. I smile to myself and pull my phone out of my pocket.

M:Look out your window

Right after I sent my text I see Alex look at her phone then out the window. She smiles just as our eyes connect.

A:we are such dorks :P

M:that we are haha

A:we can go a little early if you want

I look over at Alex and nod a yes to her. Her smile widens and she leaves her bedroom. I turn to my door and descend quickly down the stairs taking two steps at a time. I reach the bottom and casually walk out the front door. I see Selena leaning against the front of my truck waiting for me.

"Hey beautiful," I say to her with a huge smile on my face.

"Hey," she says a bit shyly while looking down at her feet.

I giggle to myself about how cute she's being and glance down at her gorgeous legs. We get into my truck and decide to go eat at Olive Garden. When we get inside I pull Alex's chair out for her and she quietly tells me thank you. We have small talk as we both enjoy our meals then make our way to the movie theatre. Alex wants to see Insidious 2, so I purchase the tickets and we go inside.

Alex's POV

Mitchie has been so sweet to me tonight it's do unreal. She makes me so happy. We sit down just as the movie begins playing and she pushes the armrest up that's in between us. Then I feel her arms wrap around me as she pulls me into her. I place my arm around her waist holding her close. I can't even concentrate on what's happening in the movie because Mitchie presses her lips to my forehead every few minutes. I am falling for Mitchie hard.

As the movie ends I look up at Mitchie and she kisses my lips softly. She holds my hand in hers on our way back to her truck. We reach her driveway and hop out of the truck.

"I had an amazing time tonight," I tell her.

"Me too," she smiles. "But it doesn't have to end."

I give her a knowing look and go into my house to change and let my mom know where I'll be for the night. I go to Mitchie's house and let myself in knowing her parents won't be home until Sunday.

"Mitch!," I call out as I reach the bottom of the staircase. I see Mitchie emerge from her doorway and I go up the stairs to her.

She has a nervous look in her face and it starts to worry me.

"What's wrong?"

She looks me in the eye and grabs my hands in hers.

"Alex, will you be my girlfriend?"

My heart almost stopped when those words escaped her lips.

"Y-yes!," I stutter out. I pull Mitchie into me holding her tight. I could not be any happier in this moment.

I pull back slightly and press my lips to hers. My hands instinctively go into her hair just as she walks forward putting my back against the wall. I run my tongue on her lips wanting more. She pulls back and whispers, "Anytime you want to stop just tell me okay? I won't be mad or anything I promise."

"Okay baby," I breathe against her lips.

Her lips connect with mine again as her tongue enters my mouth. A moan escapes my throat and her hands move to my face. I push her backwards over to her bed and fall on top of her our lips never disconnecting. I pull back slowly trying to catch my breath.

"Maybe we should stop," Mitchie says.

"Yeah, I think you're right."

"Let's get some sleep baby."

She moved up to her pillows and pulls the covers back opening her arms to me. I crawl up beside her and snuggle my back into her front. She holds me close and I intertwine one of our hands on my stomach. I feel her soft lips on the back of my neck and I push back into her more getting as close to her as possible.

"Goodnight baby," she whispers against my hair.

"Goodnight babe."

I close my eyes and fall asleep the happiest I have ever been.


So I was writing ch10 and my wifi decided it was gonna be a prick and stopped working so I was gonnas copy and paste it to word and my laptop locked up. So I lost the whole ch. I am so mad right now lol. I really LOVED how the chapter was and I know when I rewrite it it's not going to be as good. I apologize cause I was planning on writing and posting at least 2 new chapters tonight, but I'm gonna wait until tomorrow night cause I am so pissed off lol. Anyways, thanks for reading and please leave comments! :)

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