Chapter 12

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Alex's POV

Finally it's Friday and school is over. Mitchie got suspended for the week for fighting and so did Caitlyn. Nobody said anything to me all week or messed with me thank god. I pull into my driveway and see Mitchie sitting on her front porch.

"Hey Mitch," I say walking over to her.

"Hey babe," se says standing up and pulling me into a hug. "I have a surprise for you."

"What is it?"

"You'll have to wait and see. This past week has been rough, so I planned something out for the two of us to help get your mind off everything."

I kiss her lips gently then say," You're the best girlfriend ever."

"I try," she says with a wink. "Now go get changed into something comfortable and hurry back."


I run inside and change clothes and hurry back outside. I get into Mitchie's truck with her and we start down the highway.

"So where are we going?"

"It's a surprise, remember?," she says as she pulls onto a dirt road leading into the woods.

After about fifteen minutes of driving through the woods I see the most beautiful cabin I have ever laid eyes on.

"Wow," I saw in awe.

"My parents bought this a few years back. I like to come here sometimes to just get away from it all and relax."

"It's beautiful."

"Not as beautiful as you," she says and I feel my cheeks redden. "Come on."

We exit her truck and she leads me inside the cabin. The woodwork inside is unbelievable. It is absolutely gorgeous in here. Mitchie grabs my hand and takes me out onto the back porch and I see a table with candles and roses on it.

"Mitchie," I say.

"Do you like it?"

"I love it!," I say as I wrap my arms around her neck. I kiss her lips softly and say," Thank you."

"Anything to see my beautiful princess smile."

I really do have the best girlfriend in the world. She pulls my chair out for me and runs back inside and returns quickly with two plates of spaghetti.

"I learned how to cook something other than pancakes for you," she laughs. "I hope it's good."

"It's amazing Mitchie," I say after I take a bite.

We finish up eating and Mitchie carries our plates back inside.

"Come on, I have one more surprise for you."

"Mitchie you're done more than enough for me today."

She smiles at me and holds my hand in hers as we walk through the woods behind the cabin. We reach an opening and there's a small waterfall leading down into a creek.

"Oh my god, this is amazing," I breathe out.

"I've never shown this place to anyone before. It's really special to me."

"Why'd you decide to show it to me then?"

"Cause you're even more special to me."

I look into her eyes and I can see the sincerity in them. I feel my eyes tearing up and I lean into Mitchie and wrap my arms around her neck. I feel her arms go around me waist and we just stand there for awhile enjoying the sound of the waterfall and just being in each other's arms.

Mitchie's POV

This evening has been going perfect. I'd do anything to make my baby happy. She deserves it more than anyone. I pull back from her and gaze into her chocolaty brown eyes.

"I love you."

She doesn't say anything for a few seconds and I start to panic inside. Was it too early to say that? Does she feel the same? Then I see the biggest smile break across her face.

"I love you too," she says right before she connects her lips to mine.

It's a gentle loving kiss and I couldn't be any happier.

"We better get home baby."

"Yeah, it's starting to get dark," she says.


I'm not happy with this chapter. I know where I want to go with this story, but I don't know how to get there. If that makes any sense. Please please PLEASE review! I really want to know what you guys think. Should I continue with this story or no? Thank you for reading! :)

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