Chapter 17

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Mitchie's POV

M: When do we leave?

I sent the text to her and threw my blankets off me. I hope she's being serious about this because I am dead set on it. My parents don't give a shit about me other than freaking softball so they won't care. My phone lights up and I read the message.

A: Wait, are you being serious?

M: 100% serious

A: How are we going to do this? I haven't thought it all through.

M: We will figure out as we go. Don't worry baby, I'll take care of you.

A: Tonight?

M: Pack the things you need and meet me outside in like 15 minutes.

A: Okay, I love you.

M: I love you too, princess.

I set my phone on my bed and open my dresser and put on a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. I grab my backpack and duffel bag and throw clothes and everything else I can think of that I'll need. I grab one of my old backpacks and head downstairs to get some food. Thank god my parents aren't home. I go out front and start putting my bags in my truck behind the front seat. 

"Shit, the money," I whisper to myself. I run back inside and up the stairs to my bedroom. I walk over to my desk and open the bottom drawer and grab an old mug. I dump the money out on my desk and shove it into my pocket. I had a lot saved up for concerts and stuff. 

I run back downstairs and out the door and see Alex leaning against the front of my truck. The second she sees me she runs into my arms. I wrap my arms around her waist and hold her against me.

"You sure about this?," I ask.

"Yes," she says as she looks into my eyes.

I lean forward and press my lips against hers for a short kiss. "Let's go."

I take her bags from her and put them with mine as she gets into the passenger seat. I get in and start my truck hoping to not wake her parents. I back out of my driveway and head down the street.

"Where are we going to go?," I ask her.

"I have no idea Mitch. I told you I hadn't thought it all through yet."


She looks over at me and says, "Where ever you want to go I'll go." 

We drive for a couple hours before we reach a small town in the middle of nowhere. I spot a hotel down the road and decide we should stop and get some rest before continuing on.

Alex's POV

Mitchie pulls into a hotel and I have no idea where we are.

"Let's get some rest babe," she says as she grabs a few bags from behind the seat. I follow her inside and to the front desk. I stand back a bit as Mitchie gets a room for the two of us. She turns around and grabs my hand in hers and leads me down a hallway to room 12. She slides the card and the click of the door unlocking follows immediately.

"How much was it Mitch?," I ask as she closes the door behind us.

"Don't worry about t babe. I got it," she says.

I start to object but she interrupts me before I can get another word out. "Come on baby, let's get some rest."

We both climb into the bed and pull the blankets over us. It's not the most comfortable bed in the world, but it will do just for now. I feel Mitchie's arms go around me as she pulls me into her. I peck her lips before laying my head on her chest. I fall asleep within minutes listening to her heartbeat.


I know it's short but I wanted to give you guys an update. I'll be posting another chapter tomorrow or maybe even tonight if I have time. Thank you guys for reading! :) It means a lot. Please vote and review! I want to know what you guys think. It would help me a lot when I write more.

Also, I'm thinking about starting another story. Don't worry it won't effect this one, but I have a few ideas that I want to try out. I want your opinions on it though. One idea is a Dantana story and another is a Mitchie/Alex story with g!p. So please comment and tell me what you think. :)

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