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"He is still with her isn't he though?" My new best friend Cassie asked. "The girl he cheated on you with yeah?"

"Yes Cass, yes." I mumbled as I watched 5sos perform on TV.

"You should be happy he's not chasing you." She mumbled.

But that's the thing. I want him to chase me, I want him to appear on my doorstep and take me back. I know technically I have done nothing wrong, but that letter. What if I had read that letter? What if he said everything I wanted to hear? This is life. This is what I've done.

"Maybe if he saw you he'd change his mind. He'd be reminded of all the good times you had." Cassie smiled sitting down.

I looked at her. Could she be right? Could I really just see him and he'll fall in love with me again? No, no that's not possible.

"Message him Ari, send Michael a message and say you need to see him. I'll come too if you're nervous." She added.

"I can't, I haven't seen Michael in over a year. I look nothing like I did before, I have blonde hair still but it's short now. I am more into fashion and my accent is more American than ever."

"Come on A, he won't care if you gained 500 pounds and looked like an old hag." Cass huffed throwing me my phone. "Call him."

I nodded and dialled his number.

"Ari!" Michael yelled making me smile. "How are you?"

"I'm okay, I actually have a question."


I coughed, "you're in LA aren't you?" He mumbled a yeah. "Well, can I see you?"

"Of course, you don't have to ask Ari. We're staying in a hotel, I'll send you the address." He mumbled, he must be eating.

"We're staying in a hotel? Who is in your hotel room?" I whispered.

"Just, well, uh, Ashton." He stumbled.

I huffed. "Okay, I'll see you later."


I'm driving down to the hotel listening to true colours. It's my favourite song, I can't get enough of it.

I pulled up at the hotel car park and locked my car making my way to his hotel room. I walked in and got in the lift pressing H.

I got to room H49 and knocked on the door pulling my pale pink skirt down and pulling my white knee high socks up. I wore a white crop top that clung to my body perfectly. I brushed my short blonde hair with my fingers and pulled my pale pink bag close to me.

The door opened and I smiled expecting to see Michael but the tall man with the AC/DC tee shirt was not my brother.

Our eyes met and his mouth hung low. I coughed and looked down fiddling with my skirt.

"Ari? Is that really you?" Ashton's voice was cracking and his eyes looked watery.

I smiled nodding, "yeah, yeah it's really me ash." I coughed. "Where's Michael?" I looked past him at the empty apartment.

"He just popped out to get your favourite Chinese food." He opened the door wider for me to walk in. "He only left a few minutes ago so he'll be a while."

I nodded and sat down on the white sofa and put my bag next to me. "I am early."

"I distinguish you usually being late." He chuckled.

"Distinguished? Since when have you used words like that?" I asked looking up at him.

He looked down at me and then back up. "Jessie likes bigger words." I nodded and bit my bottom lip looking around. "Want some coke?"

I looked at the bottle of coke he held in his hands. "Please." I nodded.

He poured my drink out and then his before walking over placing them down on the coffee table.

"How come you're back?" He asked getting comfortable.

"I never left, I've always been in LA. For a year at least." I smiled taking a sip from my red glass.

"God," he breathed out. "You look so different Ari."

I looked at my tanned skin and my clothing. I knew I looked different, that's what I aimed for. "I know, this was my plan. New start and all."

"How is everything?" He mumbled patting his fingers on his leg.

"Good, I live with Cassie, my best friend. She was going to come but her mom went into hospital." I pouted.

Then he looked at me strongly, "there's this question I've been wanting to ask for a long time." He took a deep breath. "Did you read my letter?"

The letter, I could lie, he will never know if I read it. But he knows me too well so maybe he will.

"No, I uh, I burnt it." I smiled weakly. "I didn't want to know."

Ashton nodded and looked away. The door knocked and Ashton jumped up running to the door swinging it open.

I looked at the door and saw her, Jessie. She came and kissed Ashton before walking in and spotting me.

"Oh my god," she put a hand on her chest. "Ari, what are you doing here?"

"Visiting my brother, do we have a problem?" I asked my voice raising.

"Ari, I know I hurt you, I hurt you a lot but I am sorry." She smiled.

I laughed, "you don't get to say sorry. You don't get to say a word you'll never mean Jessie."

"Girls, please." Ashton said loudly. "Jessie, I'll call you later."

"You'd choose your ex over me? You chose me over her and now you're choosing her over me?"

"It's not like that." He shook his head. "Please jess, for me?"

She rolled her eyes nodding her head and leaving.

I picked up my bag and stood up. "You didn't have to do that." I mumbled. "I should never have come knowing you were here. Can you tell Michael I'll call him later?"

"No, no please Ari, stay." He begged. "I'll go, Michael is really looking forward to seeing you again. He's missed you. I won't ruin this for you too." He whispered his hand brushing my arm.

I rolled my eyes, "stay. I'll stay as well, just, don't talk to me."


"Don't talk." I shook my head.

That was the first time I'd seen him in over a year.


Heyyyyy, I said I might do one and now I have I just don't know if this will be very good and I hope you all like it 🙂🙂 if you haven't read 'my brothers best friend' I suggest you do read it because this won't make sense otherwise.

Also if you read my other book welcome back, hope you enjoy.

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