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I opened my eyes slowly taking in my surroundings. I looked out the window and focused on a point for a good few minutes before noticing the car I was in was flipped upside down.

I looked next to me and saw Ashton slowly coming round. I felt wetness trickle down my head as I soon touched it feeling blood and pain.

"Babe?" Ashton asked dazed then coming to realisation and looking around urgently.

"I- I can't breath I - I need air!" I gasped pushing the roof.

Ashton looked at the situation before looking at me, "I need to unplug your belt but you're going to fall so be careful." He said and I nodded.

He pushed on my belt and I fell hissing and then trying to push the door. "It won't open!" I screamed.

Luke POV

Cassie was trying to tell me something when someone ran in saying a car was rammed off the road. Me and cass got up and went to look before noticing it was Ashton's car.

"Cassie call 9-1-1 and then check the other car." I said running to Ashton's car.

When I got there I saw Ashton trying to unplug his belt and Ari pushing the door that wouldn't open.

"Ari!" I yelled and she looked up at the window.

"Luke! Luke! Help us! Help us please!" She begged her head all bloody and her hair soaked in it.

I looked at the window and then looked next to me, a pole! I picked up the pole and looked at Ari, "move away from the window and close your eyes!"

She did as I said and Ashton covered his face as I punched the pole through the window. Ari was hyperventilating when I reached in the window to get her. Her hands wrapped around my neck as I picked her up and carried her to the side and placing her down.

"I'll watch her mate don't worry." A man said. He was in his 20s and looked pleasant so I nodded and ran back to Ashton.

"I'm stuck," Ashton huffed. "I can't get my belt off."

I huffed and climbed into the car, "what are you doing!?" Ashton yelled as I reached him.

"Your belt." I said bluntly.

I pushed and pushed on his belt hoping it'd budge but it didn't. "Fuck!" I huffed.

Then Cassie appeared telling someone what was going on in the car. "We need to get belt cutters now!" A mans voice yelled.

"Cassie?" I asked looking up.

"It's fine baby, no one was in the other car so they must be okay. The fire men are going to get ash out."

"Ari, where's Ari?" Ashton mumbled his hands still trying to get the belt off.

I looked up at Cassie to tell us, "she's on her way to hospital for some stitches she's okay, you saved her. Michael will meet them there."

He smiled and then pushed his belt harder, then he fell. "Shit!" He hissed his hand landing on glass.

"Ashton!" I yelled reaching for his arm.

He looked up and there was glass in his hand and in his arm.

"Babe, you need to get out now!" Cassie yelled as she was pulled away.

What was happening out there?


I need him, he saved me and now I need him. I hope he's out now, god I hope he's out.

"Ari Clifford? I'm doctor Kenedy. I'm sorry but the police are here to ask you some questions." Then an officer walked in with two detectives.

Oh my god he's dead! I knew we'd kill someone if we didn't slow down.

"Hello, I'm officer Marks and this is detective Foscot and Detective Davies. We're here to ask you some questions about the accident."

I frowned and nodded as they smiled. "We checked the other car and near areas and there was no one to be seen, do you know who was following you?"

"She's gone." I whispered.

"Who's gone?"

"She's an ex girlfriend of my partner. She's called Jessie Parks and she hates us. I don't think she's in the right state of mind officer, you need to find her."

He was writing down on his pad ready to ask another question when a nurse ran in. "Sorry officer but we can't let you carry on, we need to get her further away from the front as paparazzi have arrived."

With that the officers left heading to the front I assume to get rid of the paparazzi.

"Nurse?" I asked.

"Yes dear?" She replied pulling my metal sides up caving me in so I didn't fall.

I gulped, "where is Ashton?"

"I'm sorry dear I thought you knew. There was an explosion and we're unsure if they've come out yet." She looked apologetic.

Ashton! Oh my god. My heart stopped and my hands clutched to the rails on my bed as the nurse wheeled me to my own room.

I can't live without him, he's my everything. He's all I need! I need him so much I can't bare it, I can't even bare the thought of him dying without me by his side. No! No Ari, he's not dead.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." I mumbled praying to god for some kind of sign he was okay.


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