Is it still there

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I woke up on Michaels sofa again. Except this time I was more pissed off than ever. I had to listen to Jessie moaning all night long for Ashton, yes, in that way.

I felt sick. The man I love was doing what we did with someone new, someone he loves now. I need some girl time, Gina and Cassie will do.


"Lovely dress, you should wear it to the concert tonight." Gina smiled as I twirled in my new frock.

"Concert? Their performing tonight?" I asked still staring at myself in my dress.

"Oh shit, mike was going to surprise you. Well fuck it, I've said it now." Gina shrugged picking up a dress.

Then Cassie appeared in ripped jeans and a tight black crop top. "You don't wear dresses to concerts." She said.

"We're back stage. We can wear whatever want." I laughed.

"Well, I prefer this." She said stroking her leg. "Do-do you think Luke will?"

Gina gasped, "I knew it!" She clapped. "I just knew it!"

"I'm not trying to impress him," Cassie blushed. "I'm just curious."

"He's single so why not? He's just got over Mandy."

"Who's Mandy?" She asked looking scared.

"An ex, an ex he will tell you about when he's ready." Gina smiled. "The way he looked at you was the way he looked at Mandy once."

Cassie smiled and I laughed walking out the dressing room. I went to the checkout and paid for my dress.

"Did you hear last night? You know..." Gina rubbed her arm.

I huffed. "Yeah, I did. I guess they're over the 'not sleeping together' part."

Gina rubbed my back and Cassie leant her head on my shoulder. "I'm sorry." They both said in unison.

"Don't be, you've not cheated on me. I love you guys." I smiled as they smiled at me.

"Love you too."


"Could you keep it down? We have guests!" Michael yelled as Jessie left.

"I'm sorry, it wasn't meant to happen." I mumbled. "How long is she staying for?"

"As long as she fucking likes!" He roared. "I knew it, you want her gone don't you!?"

"Look, I can't see her everyday. I-I'm meant to love Jessie and seeing her is messing with my head!" I snapped.

Michael looked up, "you're meant to love her, wait! So you don't love Jessie?"

I looked down, do I? There's something about Jessie that I like, but I can't love her. If I did then I wouldn't feel something for Ari still would I?

"I like her-"

"But do you love her Ashton!?" He pushed.

I coughed shaking my head, "no, I don't think I do."

"Ashton," he huffed. "You need to tell Jessie, you can't hide behind her forever."

"I can't, she'll know it's because of Ari and I don't know what to do if she lashes out at her."

"She won't, as soon as you split I'll make her leave." He said supportively.

"Not yet. I can't," I shook my head. "I need to take some time out."

"Are you mad? We're performing tonight!" Michael moaned rolling his eyes.

I nodded, "yeah I know, I'll be like an hour." I grabbed my coat and left.



I went for a walk because I had nothing better to do. I ended up by this beautiful cliff looking over the sea. That's when I saw him.

Ashton was looking out over the sea his eyes closed and his legs dangling down. I took a deep breath and walked up to him sitting down. He turned his head and I smiled as he gave me one back.

"I remember moments like this, you know, with you." Ashton mumbled. "I really am sorry."

I took a shaky breath, "I am too."

He looked at me shocked, "why?"

"Because I should have let you explain. Can I ask you something?" He nodded. "What did you say in that letter?"

I looked at him and he didn't reply for a while. "I told you I was sorry and that I loved you. I gave you my number if you wanted to call, I did wait."

"I wanted to call. You said loved, past tense, is it?" I asked hopeful for him to say no.

He stood up brushing himself down, "I need to get back, it's concert day."

"I know," I nodded watching as he walked away. "I know." I whispered.


"Where were you!?" Gina yelled as I walked through the backstage door seeing Michael and Gina holding each others hand.

"I went for a walk. I'm here now, you can go on." I smiled at mike.

Jessie walked by giggling as Ashton pecked her lips and left. Cassie ran to me and smiled her eyes lit up.

"He asked me on a date! Luke fucking Hemmings asked me on a date!" She screeched jumping up and down.

"No, no that can't be right. It can't be that easy!" I said in shock.

Cassie laughed and I saw her looking by the stage at Luke who sent her a wink. Fuck, again everyone in love or falling and I'm stuck on a boy who'll never love me again.

"Ashton told mike he saw you, he said he didn't know what to say when you asked if he still loved you." Gina whispered.

Cassie stared at me blankly, "you asked your ex boyfriend, the love of your life, if he still loved you!?"

"I need to know Cassie, I needed to know if there was something there."

"And he didn't reply?" She asked more gentle.

I huffed rubbing my head. "He just, he just walked away. What does that mean?" A tear slid down my cheek.

"It means something is there, maybe not the love you want but some kind of love. I'm so sorry things didn't work out how you planned." Gina spoke wisdom clear.

Then Jessie walked close to us and smiled before seeing my tears. "What happened?" She asked worried.

"Nothing," I smiled wiping my eyes and cheek. "I'm fine." I lied smiling.

How could I say I love the man she loves when he left me for her. How could I? I just couldn't. Not yet anyway.

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