Coming back

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Coming home was the worst part, I didn't know whether Michael found out about the airport, I'd hoped not.

Ashton seemed as miserable as I did that the trip was over, I wasn't sure about the timing of it all.

"Come on babe, we need to check in." Ashton mumbled grabbing my hand.

I took his hand and walked with him to the check in. "I don't want to leave yet." I pouted.

"Neither do I," I laughed at my childishness. "Let's just remember our wedding is going to come around soon enough and we can enjoy a long honeymoon."

"Oh yeah," I nudged his shoulder. "How long?"

"As long as you want."

He put a suitcase on the machine and smiled at the women behind the desk.

"Forever." I mumbled as he picked up my case.

He chuckled and looked down at me, "we have a good life Ari, we don't need to move away forever."

"Does mikey know we're engaged now?"

He nodded, "of course. I asked him before we left, I've been planning for awhile."

"Planning before Jessie?" I asked my cheeks heating up.

He huffed, "yes, why are you embarrassed?"

"Because I feel like i should have given you a chance to explain. Maybe even have read that sodding letter."

He linked our hands again walking to the scanners to make sure we're okay to enter the country again.

"Never blame yourself for my mistakes okay?" He stopped in the line and faced me. "I cheated, me, I would have reacted the same way minus the fake wedding."

I laughed and looked up at him placing my hand with my ring on on his chest, "it wasn't a fake wedding, I was happy with Edward. I just always knew I'd love you more."

"Well," he pecked my forehead. "You'll get to marry me now."

Then we heard a old lady behind us laughing to herself, I looked back and she blushed.

"Oh sorry dear, I just find you two a perfect match. You seem amazing together. Me and my husband, we were like you once, we're still married to this day." She smiled.

I smiled and Ashton's grip tightened on my waist, "thank you." I shook her hand.

"He's a very handsome young man isn't he? I bet he's the eye candy for young girls."

What she said couldn't be more right, but trusting him was vital and I knew he wouldn't cheat again. "Very much so, I'm glad I got him first."

"I'm Ava, Ava Clark." The women shook Ashton's hand but spoke to me.

"I'm Ari, and this," I pointed at Ashton. "Is Ashton."

Ashton smiled and his chin rested on my head. Then Ava quickly glanced over and called over two people.

They walked over and I knew straight away they were twins. They may be boy and girl but they had very clear personalities.

"Leo, Clare, meet Ari and -"

"Ashton Irwin." Clare finished off. "He's in a band grandma."

Ava looked shocked, "well I never." She clapped laughing. "You're marrying a pop star."

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