Talking is good

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I woke up the next day and I was allowed to go home with many pills to take.

I was waiting for Ashton with a fake smile plastered over my face. He had to think I was okay, he couldn't know I felt broken.

He walked in his eyes dark and his head dropped. He looked done for.

"Sleep well?" I asked all cheery and bubbly. As fake as I could make them.

He looked up, "not really. You?"

I nodded, "I haven't slept that well in a while." I lied.

He picked up my bag and stared at me, "you've never been so cheery before. What are you trying to pull here?"

I laughed, "nothing. Maybe it's the meds, who knows. Can't I just be happy?"

He smiled weakly, "all I want is that."

"Then smile, because without you smiling I won't smile."

He smiled and we walked out the door hand in hand to his car.


"Where is everyone?" I asked as I held my stomach in pain.

"They left, I wanted it to be just us for a few hours so you can settle in."

We went to a new section of the bus I've never seen before and I saw a double bed with softer pillows.

I looked at Ashton who smiled, "what's this?"

"A bed." He smirked.

I laughed sarcastically, "come on ash, why is this here?"

"You're sick and we're getting married so this is appropriate."

I shook my head, "so everyone else sleeps in bunkbeds and we get this? That's not fair."

"It is babe, come on. It's fine, plus it's an apology from mike."

"Cass and Luke are together." I huffed.

But then tiredness came over my body making me feel weak and Ashton noticed. He grabbed my arms and took me to the bed. I was in sweats and one of his hoodies so I was comfy.

"Babe, this is too much all at once. Stop thinking and rest." He begged.

I nodded my head and felt my eyes close.


Seeing her smile, well, fake smile, made me worry more. She's so perfect but can't see it.

Her leg was still bandaged which made walking more effort full and tiring. Her ribs hurt and she has to rest her left arm. Her nose has a cut on it's bridge and she had black rings around her eyes.

The door opened and I heard the boys loudly come in. I quickly ran out our room and hushed them.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to seem rude but she's just fell asleep." I made her sound like a baby.

Luke smiled and Cassie clung to him, "the cops rang Michael." Luke spoke.

"Have they found him?" I roared.

"Him?" Mike looked confused. "They found the gang, the gang of girls."

I looked at the boys and they smiled sympathetically, "how'd she take the room?" Calum asked.

"As expected. She didn't want it." I huffed sitting down and rubbing my hand on my face.

I always seem to feel like I can't please Ari, she's so kind and whatever I do seems cruel to someone.

"She's sleeping in there now though right?" Mike perked up.

I nodded, "because she went all weak."

"So, maybe that was an excuse." Luke suggested earning a death glare from everyone. "Okay, jeez."

Then I heard shuffles from the room and my head snapped towards the door.

"Ari?" I asked as her head popped up from behind the door. "What are you doing awake it's been like 4minutes."

"I-I can't s-sleep." She stuttered.

"What's up? Are you crying?" I stood up and walked over to her.

She stood there shaking, I went to rub my hand on her arm but felt the coldness. "You're freezing."

Then Michael came over and took me and Ari into the bedroom. "Ari, go bed and Ashton stay with her." He demanded.

"I need to get stuff for her." I declined although all I wanted was her in my arms.

"I'll do it, I know what she needs. I'll see you later yeah?" Then he left.

I smiled and looked at Ari who was already softly getting into bed hissing as she attempted to get comfortable.

"I lied this morning," she whispered. "I didn't sleep well because I couldn't feel you next to me."

I smiled and walked over to my side of the bed, I pulled my shirt over my head and my jeans off so they didn't feel rough on Ari's legs. I climbed into bed and she moved over slowly her head resting on my stomach.

"I love you, you know that right?" Ari murmured as her hand rested on my bare chest. "I've just been thinking, well, I think I need to start up therapy again. I'll be happier after I promise."

I nodded and smiled, "it's okay not to be okay with me. Just tell me, because I will always be here. I love you Ari, it's just the way life is now. We have each other's backs."

"Can you call them later? Can you call for me?"

I stroked her hair, "I think it'll be better coming from you."

"You're right, I'll do it later. I want this time with you before you start performing again."

I kissed her head, "I'll still be here. You'll still see me baby, I'll come to this bed every night and cuddle you to late morning."

"Not if you have parties or training." She mumbled.

"I won't go to parties and I've moved my training to 1pm."

She looked up at me, "you can go to parties."

"I know," I nodded. "But I have commitments now, I'm not risking losing you."

"Go out sometimes, have fun Ashton. I probably will too. I won't let you stop living your life because of marriage."

I nodded and kissed her head again.

"Besides," she carried on. "There's a lot we can do in the morning." She giggled.

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