Walk in the Woods

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It was a rather nice day out, the sky was clear, the sun was shining and Stanford Filbrick Pines was out in the woods with his nose in a book, as usual. Of course the scientist wasn't alone however, his closest  friend and research partner was with him, Fiddleford Hadron McGucket, a young but brilliant inventor, as Ford himself liked to call the sandy haired engineer, although 'young' was a bit of a stretch. They were the same age and even shared a room in college. 

"Come on F! We're getting closer!" Ford looked up from the red journal he had been reading on their trek through the forest surrounding the small town of the name 'Gravity Falls'. Ford had moved to the small town in Oregon to do research on it's overwhelming population of supernatural and paranormal entities. "If ya don't mind me askin', Stanford, what exactly are we lookin' for again?" Fiddleford started to breathe heavier, he wasn't used to this much activity, although he must admit, it was nice to get some exercise for once, not that he was necessarily out of shape, he was actually rather lanky and scrawny, especially in comparison to Ford who somehow grew some muscle since they were together in college six years ago. "Well the locals call it the Gremloblin, supposedly it's some mistake of nature. Guess a goblin and a gremlin got a bit too friendly, in a, hopefully, pitch black cave. Although it could just be a demon of some sort." Ford chuckled and shrugged his shoulders. "Oh and, how many times do I have to tell you to call me Ford? Nothing's changed since college, Fidds. Loosen up." Ford knew that was a lie. Sure, he'd like to believe nothing changed, he really would but the truth is, things have changed drastically. The two were inseparable in college and did in fact date and you could even say they were in love, but they went their separate ways after college. Fiddleford even got married and had a child, although he and his wife did divorce last year because she was rather abusive and had an alcohol problem. Fidds rarely ever talked about any of it but when he did, Ford was always there to listen. Now, Ford on the other hand, had been doing relatively well, especially since he made a deal with a very kind and generous muse. His research had also been going well but he needed help so of course he immediately called up Fiddleford. They always worked well together and he even thought it might be nice for his friend to get away from Palo Alto for a while, which it was, that is until they realized they still had feelings for each other. The tension was always so heavy but they still managed to relax with each other and helped each other out with individual projects and were there for each other whenever it was needed. Fidds forced an uneasy smile. "Sorry, Ford, I'm just a bit nervous....and the fact you're so calm about this, surprisingly doesn't help, considerin' yer' reckless track record." The southerner joked and chuckled, only to receive an eye roll and reluctant smile from the shorter brunette. Ford wasn't going to deny that he was reckless at times, he just got a bit too excited sometimes. 

Suddenly Ford gasped and grabbed Fiddlefords arm. "HEY what are you-" Fiddleford blushed as Ford put his six fingered hand over the blue eyed mans mouth."Shh"  Ford put a finger over his own mouth then pointed over to the large green beast that smelled like a swamp. Fiddlefords eyes widened and he started to shake. He wanted to scream, hell, any normal human would, but Ford motioned his hands in front of Fiddleford to try and keep him calm, even smiling a reassuring smile. He pulled his journal out once again, the cover had a golden six fingered hand with a three painted on it on the red cover, he also pulled out a pen and began to sketch the creature, as Fiddleford hid nervously behind a large tree.

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