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It had been a week since the Gremloblin incident and Fiddleford had gotten over it for the most part, he still thought about what he had seen in the eyes of that beast but it didn't keep him awake at night, well, not all night at least. Ford was still concerned about Fidds and hadn't asked him to help with research since.

Fiddleford awoke to see nothing but sheets and pillows beside him. He was positive Ford slept beside him last night, neither of them were feeling too well and thought they would try snuggling to help, as they did when they were a couple, still not calling themselves that again, at least not yet. The funny thing is, this was Fords room, but Fiddleford stayed there for the time being, until Ford could set up another bedroom, but still, Fords bed, 'No, no, don't think of him like that, Fiddleford.' Fiddleford reminded himself. But the scent of Ford on the blankets that wrapped around him was so... enticing.'Now, cmon, McGucket, y'all er just friends.'  He lied to himself and stood up out of the large bed and stretched. All he was wearing were his green striped boxers which he often wore instead of actual pajamas, especially on hot nights such as last night. His torso was covered in a few scars and bruises that had yet to heal, thanks to his horrid ex wife. He left the bedroom and arrived in the kitchen.

"Morning, Fidds!" Ford said gleefully and poured two cups of coffee, both mugs had some sort of cheesy design, one just said "Science gives me a large hadron"  Which Fiddleford had bought Ford during their college dating days as a inside innuendo joke gift, due to Fidds middle name. Fiddleford was surprised Ford hadn't broken it after all those years. 

Ford handed Fiddleford the other mug of coffee, the one with the dumb flying saucer printed on it. "Did you sleep well last night?" Ford asked and reached for his cup of coffee which still sat on the counter. "I uhh.. I slept well, how about you?" Fiddleford stared into his cup of coffee, hoping Ford had forgotten they had shared a bed last night. "Oh! Well, I slept pretty soundly, I suppose..." Ford sipped on his coffee a bit faster than intended and burned his tongue, but managed not to swear out loud at the pain. "That's nice." Fiddleford sat down in one of the two chairs they had set out and sighed blissfully. 

Minutes had passed without a word spoken between either man. Their relationship was so needlessly complicated and they both despised that, but they also feared they'd take things too far before the other was fully ready. "You don't happen to have plans for today do you?" Ford finally broke the silence and almost wished he could retract the question. Fiddleford took a moment to think and shook his head. "I don't think so, why do you ask?" Fiddleford questioned, unaware of Fords nervous behavior and tone. "Well, it's warm out and I was wondering if you might would like to go to the lake?" Ford began to blush deeply and started to twiddle his thumbs out of nervousness.  Fiddleford grinned widely, he loved to swim and was more than ready to say yes to that suggestion but his grin slowly faded into a frown as he glanced at a few scars on his upper arm, just a few of many. Fords nervousness turned into regret and sympathy. "I uhh, recently found a nice little cave behind the falls, no one else knows of and if nothing else, you can borrow one of my shirts to wear." Ford suggested, he just wanted his friend to be comfortable and have fun, and he'd do anything to make that happen. Fiddlefords frown grew into a small but heartwarming smile. "Thank you." he said in that beautiful accent of his that drove Ford half mad with every word.

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