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Ford and Fiddleford sat nervously in the schools office while Tate played with one of Ford's old Iron Man action figures beside them. It had been exactly two weeks since Tate had moved up there to be with his father but now the two scientists were faced with an issue: enrolling him in school. Now, it wouldn't be a problem, seeing as they have enough money and all but the issue was that Stanford and Fiddleford were a couple, they tried not to show it in public but they knew Tate would mention it so there was no real point in hiding it. They were both more than qualified to be parents but, society said otherwise.

"How can I help you gentlemen?" The woman behind the desk turned to face the family of three. Fiddleford stood up and walked to the desk while Ford kept Tate entertained. "Um..yes, ma'am, we'd like to enroll my son here in kindergarten'." Fiddleford said with a nervous sting to his voice. "Can I have the names of the child, and parents please?" The lady pulled out a pen. "Oh well....his name his Tate Tuxford name's Fiddleford Hadron Mcgucket an' my partner over there is Stanford Filbrick Pines..." Fiddleford immediately regretted mentioning Ford. 'I shoulda' just said his mother and I are no longer together!' There was no turning back now. Ford smiled at the lady, who frowned, so Ford did as well, exchanging glares with the once sickeningly cheerful woman. "Partner?" She almost hissed the word. Ford stood up. "Yes, partner." Ford put his arm around Fiddleford and kissed his cheek gently. "Hey, I think Tate said he needed to use the restroom." Ford said and glanced at the door, hinting for Fidds to get Tate out of the room. Fiddleford nodded and guided Tate out.

"Look, lady, I know we're against your beliefs or whatever you like to call them but listen, those two mean the world to me, they've been through hell. We just want Tate to get a proper education, that's all, and if you're going to let your own homophobia get in the way of that then" Ford scoffed. "this is one poor excuse for a school." Ford leaned down on the desk and smirked. "Fine but please, don't show affection on school grounds...." The woman said with an offended tone and expression. "One more thing, hon, where's the classroom?" Ford said in a mocking voice, trying his best to get on the lady's nerves. "Down the hall, on the left, it's the second door." She sneered and went back to her paperwork. "Thank ya'!" Ford laughed and left the office.

"Second door on the left." Ford chuckled and walked with his partner who was holding onto Tate's hand, down the school's hallway. Fiddleford didn't like this, sure he new the woman was being unfair but he heard the conversation, it sounded so unlike Ford, so manipulative. Anytime they were in a situation like that Ford was completely different than how he acted in that office. He was always so shy and insecure about his homosexuality so when it was brought up in such a bad way, he'd go into his shell. If it wasn't directed towards him he'd argue a bit, bringing up scientific facts, but he'd never do what he just did, it wasn't like him and, the way he sounded when he talked, the way he worded things, that mocking tone that sounded so familiar it made Fiddleford's stomach turn, Bill was rubbing off on him. Fiddleford began to fear even more for Ford's sanity and safety.

"Ford, are you sure this is a good idea, what if they don't like him or-" Fiddleford was cut off by a quick kiss on the lips. (their ever so polite way of telling each other to shut up) "Fidds, he'll be fine."  Ford tried to be reassuring, he could tell something else was bothering Fiddleford but couldn't figure it out. Fiddleford changed his gaze down to his son who was looking at all the artwork strewn across the walls, connected with multicolored yarn and surround by peace signs and flowers. You'd think with the way people acted today, homophobia wouldn't be a problem, with people going on about peace while driving vans with unicorns airbrushed on the sides. Tate smiled as they walked, but he could sense the growing uneasiness in his father, as Ford had a worried expression on his face, Tate's smile began to fade.

{A trio of Fords.

Also, I almost put a trigger warning before this but didn't think I needed too? The main reason I almost did was because the way Ford 'used' to act about his homosexuality is based off my personal experiences so it, for me, is very real so I thought the situation might be a bit discomforting for others but, at the same time I felt like it wasn't written well enough to, I didn't put the warning.}

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