Little Gremlin

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A few months had past and the work on the portal was going surprisingly well, but that's not what the two thirty year old boyfriends were excited about, today was the day. Ford had helped Fiddleford in the battle over custody of Fiddleford's five year old son and thankfully, they won. It was difficult but they did it, together. Their relationship had been going well, with the occasional squabble over things such as what project was more important to be working on, Fords' at times reckless behavior, sometimes even Bill or, just scientific theories, but none of that mattered today. What mattered is that Fiddleford had his son back.

Ford smiled at Fiddleford, who sat in the passenger's side of the car, beaming with pure joy as the drove to pick Tate up at the bus station. It was a bit difficult getting him here, originally, they were going to travel to him in San Francisco but that wasn't possible due to unexpected complications with the Gnomes that seemed to grow more rowdy with every day. Fiddleford could have gone his own but neither Ford or Fiddleford thought that was the best idea, Palo Alto and San Francisco are two very different places. He also didn't want to trouble his sister with bringing him all the way to Oregon but, she did anyway. They arrived at the bus station a few minutes before the bus and Fiddleford was already having trouble controlling his emotions, he couldn't wait to see his son again, they hadn't seen each other since the day Fiddleford left for Gravity Falls, so many months ago. Ford couldn't help but grin widely as he watched his boyfriend enthusiastically jump out of the car at the first sight of a bus. Ford soon followed and put his arm around Fiddlefords waist as they waited for the bus doors to open, and with a loud screech they did and a small cap wearing child stepped out, hand in hand with a sandy haired woman that looked like she was in her early forties. "Papa!" The child ran into Fiddlefords' arms and held on tightly. "Hey there, darlin'." Fiddleford picked his son up and looked at his sister who smiled proudly. "Thank ya so much Sharla." Fiddleford said through his happy tears. 'Sharla?...McGuckets and their names...' Ford thought to himself and then noticed Tate's little eyes fixated on him, he waved in response, making Tate's eyes widen. Ford chuckled and wiggled each finger individually, knowing how it used to entertain his baby brother. As the child's wide eyes glued themselves to Ford's fingers, Ford noticed something, one of the childs eyes was blue but the other was different, half his iris was blue, as to be expected but, the other half was green. He had sectoral heterochromia. Ford's smile widened, he was different, just like him. Ford was excited to have someone he could relate to and help by teaching him all he knew about pretty much everything, including what it was like to be be different. 

Ford began to walk over as Fiddleford sat Tate back on the ground, once again thanking his sister. Ford crouched down in front of Tate, his coat touching the ground and smiled at the young boy still fixated on the strange new man's odd hands. "You must be the little gremlin your Papa talks about so much! My name's Stanford but, since you're Papa calls me Ford, so can  you. You know, he and I go on all sorts of adventures and let me tell you, you are so lucky to have such a brave Papa that cares about you so much, and maybe one day, when you're old enough, you'll be able to go on those adventures with us." Ford reached his hand out for the fascinated kid to touch. Ford looked up and smiled like a madman at Fiddleford who,  gave him a small slap on the back of his head, not enough for it to actually hurt, especially seeing as Stanford has a very thick skull. 

"Now Ford, don't goin' and startin' on that, he's only five." Fiddleford scolded but,truthfully he was ecstatic that his two boys already got along so well, it's all he could really ask for, though it would take time for Tate to understand and adjust to his new family dynamic, Fiddleford knew that it was all going to work and nothing could tear them apart. Ford sat on the ground, with Tate sitting in his lap, already discussing so much with the young kid, as Fiddleford said goodbye to his sister that insisted on leaving now, despite Fiddleford's offers of her staying there a few days. Tate seemed to really enjoy the story of Ford and his Papa's encounters with unicorns, they had such funny names. Ford was so happy it was unbelievable, he got along with children remarkably well, perhaps it was his child like wonder. He wanted children from the very first time he held his younger brother, something about it gave him such a warm and happy feeling, the idea of something you and the one you loved created actually being another living, breathing human was such a pleasant idea to him. But, there were several things keeping him from having a child of his own, such as his sexuality, unless he could figure out how to play god he and his partner would not be able to co create, another being of his own concern, he didn't want to burden the child with the possibility of it having six fingers, living with the pain and judgment he himself went through it's entire life. But, now, seeing this kid, the blood of his lover, sparked something inside him, it felt as though he himself was the father, which wasn't helped by the fact Tate had fluffy dark brown hair that almost perfectly matched Ford's. 

{I really love the idea of Tate having some form of heterochromia because it explains why his eyes are always covered in the show, AND it just so happened to work for this so woot. Also, sorry for the weird time jump between chapters, I just have so many ideas}

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