Nothing Like Her

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Ford soon followed behind Fiddleford, well after he got offer the sudden shock of the situation. He didn't even think, he just grabbed his coat and ran, maybe Fiddleford was right.

It was was almost pitch black outside, ominus clouds blocked any light reflecting off the moon or any gleams of light that come from the usually shining stars. Ford had a flashlight handy in his coat but,Fiddleford didn't even grab a jacket on the way out, he just wanted to run and escape, not just Ford but, everything. 'IDIOT' Ford mentally cursed himself as he ran with only one mission : comfort. That's all he needed right now, he needed to comfort Fiddleford, to see that heart melting and sincere smile that Fiddleford wore so beautifully. He'd give anything for that, it's all he wanted, he wanted Fiddleford to be happy. 'I'm sorry' He knew what he had done, he screwed up and he needed to fix it. 'He was, don't think about it, Ford, he needs you need him.' Worry coursed through his veins as he ran like his life depended on it, because well, he did.

Ford's mind raced as he tried to think of where Fiddleford could have gone, their car was still parked in front of the sack and there was no way Fiddleford could physically take running all the way into town, not with how worked up he was, so that only left one option. "Fiddleford..." Ford panicked as he started running as fast as he possibly could as drops of rain started to fall upon him, blending with his tears as he clenched his teeth. 

Ford came to a stop, panting and out of breath. 'Fidds...' He stared down them seemingly out of place staircase that spiraled down into the ground, he ran down the stairs to see Fiddleford with the letter clenched  in his hand while sitting on the small mattress that occupied one side of the small bunker. "Look, I know you probably don't feel like talking and I know you probably want to punch my face in and that's fine and fair but, can I at least dry off first?"Ford slowly and cautiously approached the bed, with a reassuring smile on his face as rain dripped from his usually fluffy brown hair. Fiddleford didn't say a word but scooted over, making room for Ford to sit. Ford slowly took his coat off and wrapped it around Fiddleford. "Sorry it's a bit wet..." He returned his hands to his lap and looked at Fiddleford's that held so tightly on to that, there was something else...a picture..'Tate..'  Ford sighed as he put two and two together, 'Shifty..'  He looked over to make sure the poster was still in front of the opening. He placed his hand on Fiddleford's back, he flinched as Ford carefully rubbed.'Oh Fidds...' Fiddleford shook, practically unable to cry at this point, his eyes were so puffy and pink. "I'm sorry.." The southerner finally spoke, his voice sounded so strained and dry it made Ford's stomach twist and turn. "No. You were right, Fiddleford, you are always right...I'm the only one here that should be apologizing. I was insensitive and, Fiddleford, have every right to be angry." Ford held onto the back of the tan coat wrapped around his partner and bit his lip. "Ford...I..I pushed you" Fiddleford struggled and choked on his words. "I...yelled at you.....I..I'm just as bad as her...oh god..I'm no father." Fiddlefords hands tightened around the photo and note as more tears somehow found their way out. Ford frowned and stared at Fiddlefords face as the tears fell from his pale as ever face, those beautiful blue eyes closed so tightly. "Fiddleford, please don't ever say that. What you did was out of anger and sadness...we all do and say things we don't mean out of the intoxicating feelings of sorrow and frustration. And what you said....was something I are nothing like that woman. Fiddleford, you are the sweetest, most sincere person I have ever known. Nothing you've done could possibly change that or my veiw of you. She hurt you, for the sole purpose of her own enjoyment. You are nothing like that, you are a great father, you truly care about your son, you love him and that goes a long way in the eyes of a child." 

Ford reached for Fiddlefords hands but was stopped by Fiddlefords arms being thrown around his torso as he buried his face into Ford's chest and wailed. "Shhh..I've got you Fidds.." Ford quietly cooed as he ran his six fingers through Fiddleford's sandy hair and watched as he fell asleep in his arms. Ford didn't let go, he wanted Fiddleford to feel safe. They slept there all through the rainy night, wrapped in each other's warmth.

      {I'm really happy with this fanfic so far, though this chapter turned out pretty meh....someone save me.}

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