When Unattainable Worlds Collide

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The two (self) proclaimed scientist swam around, enjoy the chance to relax and enjoy themselves for once, which was a embraced opportunity.

Neither had their glasses on which effected their vision greatly in numerous ways, but that seems to be the price you pay for fun and relaxation. "So Fidds, wanna make a bet?" Ford smirked, he wasn't necessarily a betting man but he liked to stir up a challenge. Fiddleford on the other hand, wasn't to into these little challenges, considering one of them always got injured and by one of them I mean, him. Fiddleford sighed "Can't we just enjoy ourselves without riskin' our lives, just once?" He swam in the direction of Ford who groaned with disappointment. "Oh come on, you haven't even heard the  bet yet!" Ford pleaded and also began to swim in Fiddlefords direction.

"Oh, and what was the bet?" Fiddleford raised his eyebrow and crossed his arms as he awaited Ford's response, which was sure to be interesting, to say the least. Ford pushed his soaking brown hair out of his already obscured eyes. "Well, I bet I can hold my breath longer than you, if I'm right, you have to buy me dinner but, if I'm wrong then it'll be the other way around." Ford smirked very confident in his 50 second long personal record. Fiddleford rolled his eyes, he didn't really want to do this but at the same time he couldn't pass up Ford paying for dinner for once. "Fine but if we drown er get eaten by some sorta mosasaurus, liopleurodon, or plesiosauria, I blame you." Fiddleford chuckled and splashed Ford with water as he got closer. "What, are you scared something's going to grab you in it's giant toothed mouth and pull you under?" Ford said in an uncharacteristically playful tone and floated beside Fiddleford with a giant smirk on his face. "Perhaps." Fiddleford responded stuck his tongue out. "Oh but, I'll protect you!" Ford said in a at first 'heroic' sounding voice but then with a splash he put his polydactyly hands on the sides of Fiddlefords torso and started to tickle him.

"FORD!" Fiddleford started to laugh violently as Ford hit just the right places where he was ticklish but he was also glad he wasn't going near happy trail territory (his most ticklish spot which, Ford was well aware of) because Fiddleford would have lost it completely. "The Loch Ness Ford strikes again!" Ford laughed and got in one more tickle before it was clear Fiddleford had enough. 

They swam back to the floor of the cave, allowing them to catch their breath. "You're....ah....jerk." Fiddleford said between breaths, while wanting to use a stronger word, he wasn't much for swearing. Ford smiled playfully in response and sighed. "Sorry Fidds but, I saw the opportunity and you know me, always seizing opportunities." He chuckled and the smiled over at Fiddleford who was sitting beside him, propping against his arms. Fiddleford glanced at Ford, which happened to be a mistake. "Might wanna seize those swim shorts of yers." Fiddleford quickly looked away as his face turned a bright shade of red and started laughing as Ford freaked out and jumped back in the water to go after his swim trunks that were making their way out of the cave but, they bounced back in due to the waves and ripples caused by the waterfall that guarded the exit. Once Ford managed to catch and slip his bathing suit back on he swam back to Fiddleford and squinted "Touche." Ford laughed, trying to play off his embarrassment as he laid down beside Fiddleford and stared up at the ceiling of the cave, trying to regain his energy.

"So about that bet of yers..." FIddleford leaned back as well, allowing his arms and back relax on the rocky, cold and damp cave floor. "Forget it, you win." Ford laughed, not wanting to even set foot back in that water at the moment. "Well, I'll take what I can get." Fiddleford smiled lightly as he felt the warmth of Ford beside him, their hands less than an inch apart, it felt so tempting just to intertwine their fingers, dripping with the lake water. He was so close yet Ford seemed so far as if he were in his very own distant and unattainable world, stars and moons filled the space between them as asteroids flew across their skies. Oh how Fiddleford yearned for their worlds to collide, once again making him whole but it seemed so impossible. "Ford...I...I still...love you." Fiddleford began to reach his finger out, begging to come in contact with one of Ford's but it was greeted by a full embrace by all six, intertwining with his hand and holding on so tightly and securely as if he never wanted to let go. "And I've never stopped loving you." Ford smiled warmly at Fiddleford and squeezed his hand gently to let the southerner know he was never going to stop and would never let go because he truly couldn't bare the thought of doing so. He truly loved that  man with every fiber of his being.

The two didn't move for what seemed like an eternity, after all why would they? This felt so perfect, they never wanted to leave this moment.

(I'm always weak for Fiddauthor hand holding, that reunion hug in the finale killed me because they did the hand holding hug thing. :') My nerdy boys grew up so fast.....literally.)

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