Loch Ness Ford

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Ford walked over to the small wooden building that had the boat renting sign staked up by the door and entered slowly, as if he should be cautious, but he really shouldn't. He just prefered to not make contact with other humans. He walked over to the counter and glanced around at all the creepy mounted fish that still smelled of the lake, or perhaps that was just the cooler of dead fish sitting beside him, in front of the counter, to say the least it made Ford very uncomfortable and queasy.

"I'd like to rent one motor powered boat, if you'd please." He tried to sound confident in his words. The man behind the counter looked at him and raised a brow. "You don't look like the fishin' type..." The buff and bearded man spoke in a deep raspy voice which made Ford even more uncomfortable. The man wasn't exactly Fords type but he did have a thing for beards, but that wasn't really what made him uncomfortable, it was merely the fact he had to respond. Ford tried to avoid eye contact and tapped his fingers on the desk, which caught the attention of the man so he quickly, and awkwardly pulled his hand back behind his back. "Well, you're not wrong there." Ford let out a laugh of discomfort and continued, "My part- friend and I were just looking for a relaxing day on the lake. To take a break from the stress of work." Ford stumbled on his words but the large man didn't seem to care nor question any further. "Twenty bucks for the boat."

Ford sighed at the price but handed the money over anyways. He left the building and pulled the small boat over to the dock were Fiddleford stood and pushed into the water. "The S.S Ford Squared is ready to set sail." He chuckled as he tied the boats rope to a pole. "Ford Squared? I thought we agreed never to say that again." Fiddleford joked as he looked back upon their college days and loaded their stuff onto the boat. "Well, I had to name the boat something, so what's more fitting!?" He responded proudly. Ford helped Fiddleford finish loading the boat. 

The two sat down in the boat and set off across the lake. Ford started becoming uneasy as memories of promises he and his brother made so many years ago. He tried not to show it but he still clinched his fists out of anger and utter frustration. "Well, you named the boat, I get to choose our sailor names." Fiddleford noticed Fords anger so he tried to lighten the mood in an unorthodox and childish way, but he knew it would distract Ford from whatever far off land his mind was traveling to. "Sailor name? Alright, what have you got?" Fords knuckles went from white to his normal peachy tone and he smiled a little. "Well let's see, yer' a paranormal researcher', so clearly you should be named Loch Ness Ford." Fiddleford said while holding back his laughter because he knew that sounded horrible but hey, anything to cheer Ford up. "Loch Ness Ford huh? Well, I'll take that as a compliment. What about you?" Ford chuckled and looked over at Fiddleford before checking to see if they're on the right track still. "Well for reasons I don't need ta' say, I'll be...Moby....Fidds." Fiddleford had the stupidest grin on his face. 'Fiddleford please,'  Ford stared into the water, not wanting to make eye contact with Fiddleford, fearing his face may be redder than a freshly picked cherry and looking at that face wouldn't exactly help.

"Would you look at that! A Acipenser transmontanus!" Ford pointed out the large white sturgeon swimming beside their boat, desperate to change the subject. "Shouldn't that be further under the water?" Fiddleford asked, noting the fact these fish tend to stay on the bottom of lakes and or rivers. Ford shrugged. "It may have something to do with that lake monster I've been hearing about." He smiled and awaited Fiddlefords response. "A lake monster!?" Fiddleford practically screamed, but oddly enough it wasn't due to fear, it was due to excitement. Fiddleford always had a fascination with lake  and sea monsters, they were the most tolerable and intriguing of supernatural beings in his opinion and was definitely hoping they'd run into one at some point during Ford's investigations.  "So, monster hunt?" Ford slyly asked knowing the chances of Fiddleford saying 'no' we're actually slim for a change. "Monster hunt!" Fiddleford responded with a gleam in his eye.

( "Hey, Ford, wanna hear ah' joke? Here goes, my ex wife still misses me but, hER AIM IS GETTIN' BETTER!! See it's funny because my ex wife is horrible." ~ Fidds at some point during that boat ride.

I'll let myself out. Also, in case anyone didn't get the whole "Moby Fidds" thing it's because.....Moby Dick...which is why Ford becomes flustered, just figured I'd clear it up for no actual reason. *clears throat* I'll go.)

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