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Ford opened his eyes, just barely, and looked around the seemingly small bunkers  room, vaguely remembering the events of last night. He stretched and yawned. A small groan came from his chest, where Fiddlefords head laid, with his arms weakly wrapped around Ford's torso. "Good morning, dear." Ford chuckled and ran his fingers through Fiddlefords soft hair as the lanky man yawned and stretched, readjusting his body to a more comfortable position, still clinging to Ford. "Let's get you home." Ford held Fiddleford in his arms and left the bunker as the southerner quickly dozed back off into his much needed slumber

Ever since the incident with his brother, Ford had developed a fear, of sorts. It's not that he didn't want friends, he had social anxiety so that didn't make things easier but, he also feared losing those he cared about but even genius needed to be proven wrong. He thought that distancing himself from others would make it easier, he wouldn't need to fear losing anything if he didn't have anything to lose. He came to that conclusion of the young age of eighteen, and was soon proven wrong. He planned to avoid human interaction (other than his professors of course) all together during college, but that wasn't a stable option once he met his roommate, Fiddleford H. McGucket, that man knew just what to say and how to say it, but he wasn't one to gossip or judge people before getting to know them, he understood people's differences and  embraced the fact everyone was unique, he was always someone Ford trusted and held dearly, the thought of losing that sent shivers down Ford's spine. Had he made a mistake? Deep down Ford knew that calling Fiddleford to the sleepy town was a risk, but he couldn't do this with anyone else, he couldn't. He needed Fiddleford, he relied on his moral compass, though sometimes it was a bit askew (mostly when worked up), upon everything else that made them different, yet they still felt so perfect together almost like two jigsaw pieces that only fitted one another, unable to be whole anyother way, they only had each other and, they wouldn't have it any other way.

"Mmm...Ford?" Fiddleford wrapped his arms around Ford's neck as they crossed the threshold of their cabin. Ford smiled warmly and looked down at Fiddleford, still figuring he was tired and weak.  "Yes, Fidds?" He asked softly and sat Fiddleford down on the bed, covering him up in the process. "You called me "dear"....I haven't heard that since college." Fiddleford said in a very groggy voice, he was still sleepy, not tired but definitely still sleepy. Ford blushed, leaning down to kiss Fiddleford gently on the forehead before turning to leave the room. "You need to rest." Fiddleford groaned in response to Ford's practical demand. "What?" Ford smiled, looking at his partner who was squirming under the blankets, trying his best to appear uncomfortable. "Don't leave! It's.....cold." The engineer tried make an excuse to get his boyfriend to stay, but he wasn't exactly a world class liar. Ford chuckled and shook his head. "It's sixty degrees in here." It was actually only fifty five but he figured rounding it to sixty would be more beneficial to his cause. "Exactly, let's make it seventy." Fiddleford snickered and rolled onto his back before winking at a very flustered Ford. "I was just jokin', Darlin'." That pet named accompanied by a wink was enough to kill Ford by this point. "Please, at least snuggle with me.." Fiddleford said softly and stared up at Ford, who hated saying no to Fiddleford, especially when it came to snuggling but he had things he HAD to do. "Fidds, I promise I'll come back up and snuggle with you as long as your heart desires, later. I have to meet with Bill in a few minutes and you know how he gets."

Fiddleford rolled his eyes as his back tensed and he turned his head away from Ford, he did know how Bill got and it never ended well for him or Ford but Ford was so blinded by the self proclaimed 'muses' flattering, which unfortunately bought Ford's undeserved trust. Bill was one of either loved or hated and the two men seemed to be on opposing sides of the spectrum. Fiddleford hadn't trusted that creature, not even for a second. The things the 'muse' would do behind Ford's back never meant well but, what's worse is that he used Ford, in more ways than one. He was so disturbed and twisted, it physically hurt Fiddleford to see his friend, he cared so dearly about, get played by someone he genuinely trusted but, Ford would never listen to Fiddlefords pleas for him to stop. It was useless.

"I'll be back soon." Ford said softly and gently kissed his boyfriend goodbye.

{I have a love hate relationship with Bill/Ford/Fiddleford tension.}

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