Stubborn Mornings

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Fiddleford's eyes slowly opened to see his partner sleeping peacefully beside him. He lifted his hand and twirled the golden ring, smiling blissfully at his memories of last night. He didn't want to leave from Ford's side, they were laying in a sea of blankets, cuddled up to one another. Fiddleford pressed his palm to his forehead as he sat up and yawned. The blankets fell to reveal his bare chest, he stretched as a chill ran down his spine causing him to shiver. He carefully adjusted to sitting on the side of the bed. He stood up, careful not to wake Ford. He gave his partner a soft kiss on his forehead before taking a short shower and getting dressed to pick up Tate. Just as he opened the bedroom door he heard Ford shift and groan in the bed.

"Mornin' darlin." Fiddleford chuckled lightly and walked back to the bed where his lover was starting to sit up. "Where're you going?" Ford's eyes were barely open as he spoke in such a groggy tone it made Fiddleford smile. "I have to pick up Tate remember?" Fiddleford sat beside Ford and pushed the man's brown hair off his forehead. "But do you really have to?" Ford said with a stubborn tone as he cuddled up to his partner. "Ford, I said I'd be there by ten." Fiddleford ran his long fingers through Ford's hair, causing the shorter man to blush and melt into his boyfriends arms. "Fine but, I'm coming with you." Ford sat back up and smiled brightly. "Normally I wouldn't stop you but..." Fiddleford chuckled as Ford stood up to reveal his previously sweat covered naked body. "you need a shower." He stood up beside Ford and softly kissed his lips. "I don't take that long in the shower." Ford wrapped his arms around Fiddleford. "I beg ah' differ." Fiddleford blushed in his partners nude embrace. "But Fidds," Ford was cut off by a sensational warmth on his neck as Fiddleford kissed it softly and nibbled lightly, touching up a fading mark. "But nothin'. I have ta' get goin'. Mind cleanin' up before I get back?" Fiddleford gestured to Ford and then the rest of the messy room. "Alright, alright. Hey but, when you get back want us to go to the diner?" Ford suggested as he slipped some flannel patterned pajama pants on. "I'd love to, I'm sure Tate's starvin'." Fiddleford kissed his boyfriend's cheek one last time before leaving.

Ford began to pick things such as dirty clothes and papers off the floor, still wishing Fiddleford didn't have to leave. He didn't like the feeling of loneliness, it was odd after all, he lived there alone for almost six years, he was used to being alone, but that didn't mean he liked it. Having Fiddleford beside him makes him feel like he has a purpose and without that...well, there's no telling what would've happened to himself. Fiddleford was what kept him grounded. He truly worried about Fiddlefords safety, he knew what those monsters could do and he had plenty of scars to prove it. He started to become more hesitant when it came to Fiddleford leaving the house on his own and the fact he was picking up Tate only doubled the worry. Ford counted the minutes, it's only a fifteen minute drive to the sleepover so it should only take thirty minutes for Fiddleford to return. Ford took a deep breath trying to calm his nerves, "Fiddleford is supposed to be the worrywart..." He tried to joke and keep his mood light. After he finished cleaning their room he hoped in the shower.

Fiddleford buckled Tate into the car and said his thanks to the hosts of the sleepover before leaving.
"Papa?" Tate asked meekly. Fiddleford looked in the rearview mirror to see Tate messing with his hair, trying to keep it in front of his eyes. "Yes, Tate?" Fiddleford asked with a concerned tone which made Tate shrink into his car seat. "Are you and daddy happy?" Tate asked with a hint of nervousness which caused Fiddleford to worry and then chuckle lightly, though confused by his son's question. "Of course we are honey, why would you ask such a silly question?" Fiddleford gulped nervously as his grip on the steering wheel tightened. He wasn't lying, he and Ford were happy. They loved each other but still, even he could feel the impending doom hurdling closer, but he just thought it was paranoia, it had to have been, right? Tate shrugged and stared out the window, he felt it too, he felt the sadness and anger, but why? His parents were happy, it's not like before. 

Ford stared at his watch, it's been thirty five minutes since Fiddleford left, he stood outside on the porch, awaiting his partner and son. He felt a wave of relief come over him when he saw that ugly as ever yellow car pull up and the passenger side door open. "Hurry before we leave ya!" Fiddleford joked and watched as his boyfriend got into the car and fastened his seatbelt before leaning over and planting a kiss on his cheek."How was the party, bud?" Ford looked back at Tate who was still staring out the window, not even glancing at Ford. "He hasn't been all that talkative..." Fiddleford said quietly to Ford, still thinking about Tate's question, combined by the events of last night, it really made Fiddleford think. He loved times like last night, he loved Ford, but still, something felt off. Ford frowned and looked at Fiddleford, who started driving and had an uncertain expression. " he probably wouldn't want one of these..." Ford pulled three Twinkies out of his coat pocket which immediately caught Tates attention as well as a stern look from Fiddleford. "Stanford, we're about to get breakfast, I don't think ya'll need any sweets..." Fiddleford rolled his eyes but Ford smirked. "I brought three..." He started to unwrap one. "I said no." The southerner started to grow annoyed as he tried to keep his eyes on the road, but Ford was undoubtedly already eating one and winking as the white cream oozed out of the soft snack food. "Oh for God's sake." Fiddleford grabbed the Twinkie from Ford and finished eating it and then quickly threw the other two in the glove department. "Ha...sorry kiddo, guess your papa doesn't like Twinkies." Ford looked back at Tate who was laughing. "But at least you can get pancakes!" Ford smiled brightly as Tate cheered. "Ya'll are dorks." Fiddleford couldn't help but  smile, Ford always knows how to lighten a mood, that's for sure, though his sense of humor mostly just ranges from knock knock jokes to puns. "Yes but we're your dorks, dearest." Ford chuckled. "Isn't that right my boy?!" Ford made a silly face by sticking his tongue out and crossing his eyes, making Tate burst with laughter, causing Fiddleford to start laughing. "Ya got me there. Now, let me drive." Fiddlefords laughter died down as he almost swerved off the road. "Yes sir." Ford saluted and continued to laugh with Tate who seemed to be much happier now than when Ford first got in the car.

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