God Complex

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Ford and Fiddleford pulled up into the dirt driveway that led to their deceivingly small home in the woods. Fiddleford yawned and leaned his head on Ford's shoulder, the smell of his freshly washed shirt filling his nose. They had stayed at the lake much longer than expected. "It's already dark out..." Fiddleford said in his tired voice and looked up at Ford who smiled but was struggling to keep his eyes open. "We better hurry up and get ready for that date I promised you." He cooed, referring to the 'bet' they made earlier in the day. Fiddleford gave him a small peck on his forehead. "Oh it's a date now?" Fiddleford said playfully as they stepped out of the small red car that they shared, though they'd prefer a larger vehicle, such as a truck. It'd be very handy for their investigations.  "Well, I figured we might as well call it a date." Ford smiled peacefully as he grabbed the mail out of their small white mailbox. "In that case, can't wait for dessert." Fiddleford winked suggestively and snickered as he began to unlock the cabins door. Ford blushed "Don't you think that's a bit drastic?!" He said in such a cute and flustered tone it made Fiddleford grin with success, it seemed as though making his partner blush was his favorite game, which wasn't far from the truth, Ford's blushing was mighty adorable afterall. "I just meant, anythin' sweet that's not a homemade ice cream sundae is a nice change. Not sayin' yer' fairy dust topped ice cream isn't good but the mutant cow milk you use to make it isn't the most appetizin', considern' it turns the 'vanilla' ice cream neon green." Fiddleford snickered once more before opening the wooden door, as Ford rolled his eyes but couldn't but smile, Fiddleford did have a good point, he'd give him that.

Ford stretched his arms as he and Fiddleford entered the doorway of their shack. He flipped through the mail, quietly noting what each document was. "Bills, bills, bills....coupon for high heels?...Taxes..." He threw the pile of mail on the kitchen table, only keeping one letter in his hand, he smiled as he handed it to Fiddleford. He only read Fiddlefords name on the envelope, not wanting to snoop, unlike his twin who'd jump at the opportunity of new blackmailing material. "I'm going to hop in the shower." He smiled and kissed his newly reclaimed boyfriend on the cheek.

Fiddleford held the letter in his hand and read the name printed on the corner. 'Henery Harrison', the name of his lawyer, it was an odd name but who was Fiddleford Hadron McGucket to judge? "Fidds?" Ford asked curious as to why his partner didn't respond to his show of affection. Fiddleford shook his head, trying to clear his mind of any horrible conclusions his mind started to jump towards with such open arms. "What is it?" Ford wrapped his arm around Fiddleford and rubbed his shoulder. "It's....it's just ah letter from my lawyer...I'm sure it's nothin'." he answered, clearly trying to push back his worry, he had been struggling over the custody of his son which he had only recently told Ford about, when asked why Tate was still staying with Fiddleford's sister in San Francisco, that was a hard thing for Fiddleford to talk about but he always managed to act so fine about it, it was so painful for Ford because he knew Fiddleford was really broken inside. Fiddleford began to open the envelope, inside was a white slip of paper the smelled of printer ink. He began to read what was written out loud, struggling with every word.

"Mr. McGucket, we regret to inform you that your case is not going over well with the court and though a decision has not yet been made it seems that the opinion is wavering in Angela's favor. Your claims appear to be much too far fetched to begin considering, a woman could and would not do the things you claim she has done to both you and the child in concern. Unless you can either prove your outlandish case, OR, bring a new one to the table we will have to give custody t...t.....Ford.." He couldn't even finish reading it as he clung to Ford's shirt, staining it with salt filled tears. "Shh...it's ok Fidds....we can fix this, I can fix this, I promise you. Those...those bastards don't know what they're saying, you would never lie about such horrible things. I will se-" He was cut off by Fiddlefords hands pushing his chest, making him step back. Ford stared at Fiddleford and tried to reach for his hand. "Fidds, come on, I know we can-" He was cut off again but not from anything physical or vocal, Fiddleford's face, why did he look so angry? "Can..can't you just f..for once leave yourself out of others problems!? You can't fix everything! You can't take ah tornado an' turn into into a rainbow! Stanford, just...just stop. Some people don't beg for you to help them, you're so caught up in your own damned world that you don't see clearly, you just let your god complex take over and don't give it a second thought!" Fiddleford clenched his fist and bit his lips as his eyes became glossed over by tears of wronged anger and sorrow. "Fidds..I'm sorry, I didn't mean to-" Ford reached to place his six fingered hand on Fiddlefords face but he flinched, Fiddleford, the love of Ford's life, flinched just at the motion of him setting his hand on his pale face. Ford's heart broke and his hand stayed in place, sitting in the air as he realized what he had done, while a cloud of silence fell upon the couple.

Fiddleford pushed his way passed Ford, who couldn't even properly respond as Fiddleford slammed the front door behind himself.

        {I love writing fluff.}

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