Two Ford's for the Price of One

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Ford unlocked the cabins door and welcomed Tate in. "Your room is in the attic, there's plenty of space for all your toys, actually, I put some of my childhood toys up there for you, along with some comic books I think you'd enjoy." Ford bent down as he was talking to Tate and smiled brightly as the kid ran upstairs, leaving all but his favorite stuffed otter downstairs.

"He already looks so much like you." Ford chuckled and looked at Fiddleford. "Yeah,yeah, I hear that a lot." Fiddleford tapped his long nose which, his son clearly inherited. "I saw you lookin' at his eyes." He said in a oddly stern voice and sighed."Can I talk to you for a moment in the parlor?" Ford asked, wanting to be somewhere a bit further from the stairs. The couple moved their conversation the small table that sat under a nice light fixture. The table was covered in research papers, despite Fiddleford's efforts to keep the house clean.  "Yes, Stanford?" Fiddleford chuckled, amused that his boyfriend felt the need to move their discussion. "I...I don't want to worry you but, Fidds, what are you going to do with him while on our researching trips or when we're working on the portal?" Ford asked and grabbed onto Fiddlefords hands gently. "We'll just have'ta enroll him in the Gravity Falls elementary school, or if ya'd rather homeschool him we can hire a babysitter, though school would give us more alone time." Fiddleford smirked, making Ford blush. "No, no, school is fine..."Ford gulped then felt a cloud of confusion come over him. "You know, I've always wanted children but, I would never take him from you..." Ford stared into Fiddlefords deep blue eyes and frowned. "Darlin', what did I say to make ya even begin to think that? All I meant by that was that I trust you. Tate needs someone else to be a parental figure for him and I trust in you to give him that. I'd like you to come talk to him with me, unless that'd make ya uncomfortable." Fiddleford smiled warmly at Ford, who was clearly nervous but nodded.

"Tate, sweetie?" Fiddleford knocked on Tate's new bedroom door while hand in hand with Ford. They gave him a few hours to play and get used to the new house a bit before going to talk to him."Ya' papa?" The little brunette came to the door, still holding tightly onto his favorite stuffed animal. "Ford and I'd like ta talk to you for a minute." Fiddleford held Ford's hand as they sat down on Tate's bed and waited for Tate to sit as well. The child was clearly confused, he was wondering what he did wrong as he looked at his father who was sitting so close to the new man.

'He's only am I suppose ta explain this to him...' Fiddleford tightened his grip on Ford's hand. "Fidds, children are different, it will be fine." Ford whispered into Fiddlefords ear and gave him a reassuring smile. Fiddleford sighed and took a deep breath. "Ya know your ma isn't coming back?" Fiddleford hated having to say that, he wanted Tate to have a happy family but that woman was horrible and there was no point in hiding the truth. Tate nodded and looked down. Fiddleford sighed again and hugged Tate. " Well, you know how mommies and daddies are suppose ta love each other no matter what?" Fiddleford looked over to Ford then back at Tate. "Your ma didn't know that so she didn't know to love me, but Ford does." Fiddleford grabbed Ford's hand again and held it tighter than ever. "He's gonna take care of us ok? He's like your second papa." Fidds smiled weakly at  his son, who nodded in understandment. "But hey, you don't have to call me anything like that if you don't want, I can just be Ford." He smiled at the shy child who again, nodded silently but then smiled. "So I get two papa's for the price of one?" Tate beamed, truly excited. Fiddleford chuckled and nodded, happy his son was so excited.

Ford grinned as the three discussed many things, including the school situation (which Tate was surprisingly excited for), but eventually Fiddleford left to make dinner, leaving Ford and Tate to bond.

Tate began to show Ford all his favorite toys, dolls and all. "And this is Otto!" Tate proudly showed Ford his favorite stuffed animal. "An otter? You have great tastes in animals, my boy!" Ford chuckled.'My boy....' He always wanted a son of his own to call that, his own flesh and blood he could pass his research to but it just slipped out. "I could take you to see some if you'd like." Ford smiled warmly as the child handed him the stuffed otter. "Really!?" Tate asked eagerly. "Of course! Some live in the lake, they don't get along with the beavers to well, however...How about we go ask your Papa?" Ford suggested to the starry eyed child who jumped in place, impatiently waiting for Ford to get up off the ground. "C'mon!" Tate said as he grabbed Ford's sleeve and pulled him down the stairs.

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