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Ford walked around his mindscape. The blue endlessness was filled with math and books, along with scrolls and writing, every where you looked."Good morning, Bill." 

Ford approached the triangular creature, who looked happy to see Ford, despite only having one eye to show expression. "Morning, Sixer! Got any updates on that portal of ours?" Bill appeared beside Ford and put an arm around him but before Ford could respond he was cut off. "You know, you and ole farm boy seem to be getting a little too cozy, for my taste that is. But, anywho, I'm not an expert on human mating rituals but I don't think you're doing it right." Bill laughed, he loved making Ford uncomfortable. Ford blushed and shook his head "Oh we're not that...far.. into it yet!" He frantically explained, wishing Bill would leave it alone. "He doesn't seem to think so, but hey, I'm always  patient." Bill did what you could presume was's a bit hard to tell, but his attitude seemed to imply it. Ford stared blankly while blushing and then tried to escape Bills arm. "Now, back to the portal." Bill set up the two chairs and cups of tea.

Fiddleford yawned and sat up, staring at the bedroom door, hoping Ford would return soon, but after seven minutes past he made the decision to get up and fix breakfast. He was a great cook, who would never admit it of course, definitely better than Ford who managed to somehow set the kitchen sink on fire the last time he attempted to 'cook'. Fiddleford grabbed the ingredients, skillfully hidden behind several boxes in the highest cabinet, due to their Gnome situation. Once everything was out and ready to be fixed another five minutes had passed, he knew these meetings took time but he couldn't help but worry, especially if Bill feels like possessing Ford that day, but considering he had yet to be bothered he figured today wasn't one of those days. He began to fill a pan with pancake batter, throwing bananas and nuts of different sorts into the mix in the process.

"Bill, I've been meaning to ask, what are your plans for the portal exactly?" Ford took a sip out of the pale blue tea cup. "Let's just's going to help us change the world." Bill sounded so confident in his words, he always did, often mixed with a humorous tone, it was rather charming in Ford's opinion. In fact, much of what the muse did was to Ford's liking, almost like he was made with Ford in mind, or perhaps he knew Ford's preferences and likings, and played to them nicely. Ford never really questioned it further than him just being a muse, he wanted to get along with his client so to speak, and that was all. Ford trusted Bill and knew whatever he did was for Ford's well being, they were incredibly close, much to Bill's  pleasure.

Another twenty or so minutes and Fiddleford was setting up the table with two plates of banana nut pancakes, topped with whipped cream and strawberry syrup (Ford's favorite breakfast). He was rather happy with how it all turned out and couldn't wait for Ford to see it, but after more time had past he started to worry. His concern grew as it started to reach ten o'clock, Ford had been down there nearly two and a half hours. Fiddleford sighed and grabbed Fords plate, hoping Ford just go distracted by one of their many projects in the study. He rode the elevator down to the second floor and opened the extravagant door to see Ford sitting on the floor, towards the back of the room. Fiddleford cautiously sat the plate down on the desk and approached Ford. He nervously he tapped Ford's shoulder. "Is Ford home?" He asked half jokingly, trying to hide his fear and worry from the creature that undoubtedly saw and heard everything. At first the response was worrisome, just a shake of the head, causing Fiddleford step back in fear that it was Bill but, then, his eyes opened, they were Ford's warm brown eyes. Fiddleford sighed with relief and kissed Ford gently on his forehead. "What was that for?" Ford blushed and stood up, with help from Fiddleford. "No reason, I jus' love you is all." Fiddleford smiled softly and guided Ford to the plate of delicious smelling and looking pancakes. "Surprise! Actually,they may be a bit cold..." Fiddleford chuckled. "Thank you, Fidds, they look great." Ford smiled and kissed Fiddlefords cheek.

Minutes passed after Ford finished eating before one of them spoke. "So, about that date ya promised me." Fiddleford smiled slyly at Ford who sighed. "I have some ideas." Ford smiled back at Fiddleford and held his hand as they rode back up the elevator.

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