Ihdu Wkh Ehdvw Zlwk Mxvw Rqh Hbh

703 33 3

{Start playing song after opening paragraph, or don't, it's up to you, man}

Fiddleford watched as Ford and Tate played with different action figures and dolls on the floor of the parlor. He loved when Tate got Ford to play with him, it just reminded Fiddleford of how happy they all were. "Hey, Ford, I think I'm going to go work on that fear eliminating gun some more." He stood up, his back popped as he stretched. "I was actually going to head down there to work on the portal." Ford began to stand but was stopped by Tate's small hand grabbing hold of his coat and tugging. "But I wanna play!" Tate demanded and stared up at Ford who sat back down. "Welp, I'll be down stairs if y'all need me." Fiddleford began to leave the room. "No!" Tate shouted. Ford looked over to Fiddleford with a shocked expression. "Tate, honey, what's wrong?" Fiddleford asked and leaned down to his son. "Don't leave. Please don't go down there!" Tate started to tear up so Fiddleford softly kissed his sons forehead. "Alright, I won't." he kissed the top of Tate's head and glanced over at Ford with a confused expression. Ford shrugged, unsure what was wrong but for some reason he felt that maybe Tate was right, maybe they shouldn't go down there.

"Fidds!" Ford ran into the study and hugged Fiddleford tightly.  It was still pretty early and Fiddleford had just returned from dropping Tate off at school. Ford unfortunately pulled an all-nighter in the basement again so he looked like an exhausted mess. "It's finished!" Ford said wide eyed and smiling at his boyfriend who chuckled. "What is finished exactly?" Fiddleford asked and started to rearrange his desk, sitting a odd prototype gun Ford had been helping him with on a stand. "The portal!" Ford was incredibly excited but Fiddleford on the other hand...was just about as far from excited as possible but he smiled anyway, after all, Ford is happy. "That's great!" Fiddleford kissed his partners lips, trying to share Fords excitement but it just didn't work. "Now what?" Fiddleford asked as he placed his hands on his partners waist. "Let's test it." Ford stared into Fiddleford's blue eyes, his own brown eyes were filled with a fiery determination. "Don't you think we should wait?" Fiddleford asked and followed Ford down the spiral staircase that lead to the very bottom of the basement. "Wait for what?" Ford ran through the computer filled halls to the control room and pushed many buttons, causing the portal to light up and it's gateway to spin, lightning bolts bursting out of the rainbow lights. "I don't know! Till we're more prepared!" Fiddleford had to shout as Ford opened the door to the room containing the portal as the sound of rushing air filled the control room. "Fiddleford, trust me, we are prepared!" Ford smiled and hugged Fiddleford warmly. "I want to travel the multiverse with you." He kissed Fiddleford, full of passion for what almost felt like the last time, as if they were saying goodbye, he put his heart into it. Fiddleford held onto Ford's hand as he broke the kiss. "Please don't do this." Fiddleford pressed his forehead against Ford's. "Fidds,I promise, it's safe. Now, c'mon!" Ford grabbed the test dummy and ran out of the control room, followed by Fiddleford who grabbed an arm of the dummy, helping Ford carry it to the caution tape in front of the triangular portal.

Before he knew it, Fiddleford was sucked in, scared to open his eyes he heard a familiar singing eerily. "We'll meet again, don't know where, don't  know when..." Fiddleford's eyes were forced open. "Long time no see, kid! Well, I've seen you plenty, but that's not the point. Mind giving Fordsie a little message for me?" The triangle floated down from his throne gazing upon a realm of fire and agony, a place Fiddleford could only call Hell. So many poor creatures being tortured. "Ya see Specs, this realm is getting boring and I need a new place to party." Bill laughed and poked Fiddleford's nose, but didn't allow the southerner to speak. "Now don't forget it OK? The message is..." The demon made a sound as though he was clearing his non existent throat. "Zkhq Judylwb Idoov dqg Hduwk ehfrph vnb, ihdu wkh ehdvw zlwk mxvw rqh hbh!" Bill started to laugh uncontrollably as Fiddleford was finally pulled back out.  

"Fiddleford!" Ford crawled over to Fiddleford and held him in his arms as the southerner shook and had a blank expression. "C'mon buddy, what did you see?!" Ford asked and put a hand on Fiddleford's forehead only for the man to jump out of Ford's arms and crawl away.  "YROO XRKSVI GIRZMTOV" Fiddleford shook as Ford tried to approach again. "Fiddleford, get a hold of your self! You're not making any sense!" Ford said,confused as to why Fiddleford mentioned Bill but was also worried about his partner. "When gravity falls and earth becomes sky, fear the beast with just one eye." Fiddleford was turned away from Ford and still had a blank expression. "F..Fiddleford?" Ford reached his hand forward and placed it on Fiddleford's  left shoulder, only to immediately be shoved off when Fiddleford turned. "We have to shut it down!" Fiddleford stared into Ford's eyes as he screamed. "Fiddleford, I'm sure you just have...dimensional travel sickness, let's just-" Fiddleford grabbed Ford's shoulders and stared into his brown eyes. "Y..You're the one with the sickness!" He shouted and Ford's heart raced, as his expression quickly faded from anger to concern and hurt. Fiddleford backed up and looked around, he knew he had gone to far. "I..I'm afraid we've unleashed a grave danger on this world...one I'd just as soon forget...I...I quit." Fiddleford stood up but Ford tried to stop him, but Fiddleford shoved him off and continued to walk. "F..fine! I don't need you! I don't need anyone!" Ford screamed and reluctantly watched as Fiddleford slipped out of his grasp. He was gone. He lost him. Ford could hear the voices driving him up against a wall, he was terrified. The last thing he said to the love of his life was a horrible horrible lie. Regret flooded his brain and heart.

"Idiot!" Ford hit his palm against his forehead and ran to the elevator and ran out as soon as it opened. "Fiddleford!?" Ford called for his partner and looked around the house, not a sign of Fiddleford to be seen, his clothes and everything were gone, even his gun prototype. Tate's stuff was gone too, only a few toys were left behind. "Please...I'm..I'm so sorry...please don't leave me.." Ford stumbled into his bedroom and sat on the edge of the bed with a crinkled tan piece of paper clutched in his hand that still smelled of marker. He could feel his eyes heat up as though he was about to cry. He glanced over to the pillows he once shared with his lover when a gleam of gold and green caught his eye. His shaky hand reached over and was barely able to hold the round object. "Fiddleford..." tears ran down his face as he held onto the ring and paper. What had he done?

{The dimensional travel sickness exchange is based off an unused storyboard

P.S the title is caesar cipher}

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